Korolevska was informed of the suspicion of undeclared property


Natalya Korolevska, a former MP from OPZZH, was suspected of deliberately entering false information into the electronic declaration.

About this informs press service of SAP.

“In her declaration for 2020, the People’s Deputy did not indicate two land plots in the Obukhiv district with a total area of ​​0.829 hectares and a value of over 2.5 million hryvnias, as well as a residential building and a plot of land located in the Moscow region of the Russian Federation worth almost 1.8 million hryvnias” , says the message.

The actions of the deputy are qualified under Part 1 of Art. 366-2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The investigation established that Korolevska has property worth more than 4.315 million hryvnias, which she did not include in the declaration. This exceeds the 500 subsistence minimum for able-bodied people.

“In view of the fact that the whereabouts of the narodepka have not been established, she was notified of the suspicion in accordance with Art. 135 of Art. 278 of the CCP of Ukraine. The investigation of these facts was started on the basis of the conclusion of the NAKC,” the prosecutor’s office emphasized.

The document does not indicate the name of the official who was served with the suspicion. The fact that we are talking about Natalya Korolevska, the media found out.

As reported by Ukrainian News Agency, applications for the compilation of the credentials of the deputy from Natalia Korolevska and her husband Yury Solod, who were elected to the Verkhovna Rada on the lists of the banned OPZZ party, were received by the Rada on February 15.

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