13 “Shahed” attack drones were destroyed by air defense forces and means


On the night of July 3, 2023, the Russian occupation forces carried out another attack by Iranian attack drones “Shahed-136/131” from the southeast direction. In total, 17 Shahed launches were recorded.

According to reports, air defenses were active in the southern, eastern and central regions during the night

As a result of anti-aircraft combat, 13 “Shahed-136/131” attack UAVs were destroyed by the forces and means of the Air Force in cooperation with the air defense of other components of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. The rest did not achieve their goals. No losses beforehand.

Also, over the past and current days, the Air Force aviation has carried out dozens of sorties, 15 of which were aimed at destroying the enemy’s facilities, equipment, logistics and manpower.

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