The leaders of the G7 countries undertake to use their economic assistance for the restoration and development of the critically important infrastructure of Ukraine – the declaration


The leaders of the G7 countries confirm their unwavering support for Ukraine today and in the future, in conditions of war and peace, and also undertake to use their economic assistance for the restoration and development of Ukraine’s critically important infrastructure, says the joint declaration on support for the restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine.

“As stated in the Communiqué of the G7 Leaders Summit in Apulia, together with our international partners, we remain determined to provide military, budgetary, humanitarian support and reconstruction assistance to Ukraine and its people, and we are also determined to help Ukraine meet its urgent short-term financial needs and contribute to long-term restoration and reconstruction of Ukraine”, – is going in the text of the document published on the president’s website.

The leaders of the G7 countries also refute any misconceptions that the Russian Federation can win by causing the economic collapse of Ukraine, and also confirm a number of commitments to overcome the consequences of the damage caused by Russia’s aggressive war.

According to all applicable laws and relevant legal systems, Russia’s sovereign assets in G7 jurisdictions will remain frozen until Russia ceases its aggression and pays for the damage it has caused to Ukraine.

“…We undertake to use our economic assistance to ensure macro-financial stability in Ukraine, repair and development of critical infrastructure, particularly in the energy sector, acceleration of economic growth, support of social stability, as well as implementation of priority reforms,” ​​the text of the declaration emphasizes.

Priority reforms include improving the business climate, strengthening the fight against corruption, implementing justice system reform, and promoting the rule of law in the context of the EU accession process. The G7 will also support Ukraine in ensuring quick and transparent development of donor funding.

In addition, the leaders of the G7 countries will continue to work together to implement the decision to provide Ukraine with additional loans until 2024 to increase budget revenues, which will provide Ukraine with access to about $50 billion in additional financing.

The G7 will also continue to implement its vision by developing a strategy, coordinating and managing support for the economic recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine through the Ukrainian Donor Platform.

“This will include the acceleration of private sector contributions, as well as the attraction of bilateral funding, funding from the European Union and international financial institutions, and the promotion of the reform program in Ukraine in view of its path to joining the EU,” the document states.

The G7 leaders will continue to assess and monitor progress in meeting these commitments through meetings of the Ukrainian Donor Platform and the annual Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine to be held in Italy in 2025.

In order to fulfill the above commitments, each of the G7 countries will work to provide specific bilateral support to Ukraine in accordance with this Joint Declaration and bilateral agreements and security arrangements agreed and signed with Ukraine.

In turn, Ukraine undertakes to implement economic, judicial, anti-corruption reforms, corporate governance reforms, defense, public administration, public investment management and law enforcement system reforms.

The leaders of the G7 states assured that they remain committed to the strategic goal of a free, independent, democratic and sovereign Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

“Thanks to our collective support for Ukrainian reconstruction and reconstruction, we will ensure that Russia cannot achieve its goals of subjugating Ukraine and that Ukraine emerges from Russia’s war of aggression with a modernized, dynamic, inclusive society and an innovative economy resistant to Russian threats,” the statement said. declarations

Other countries wishing to contribute to efforts to support the long-term reconstruction and recovery of Ukraine may join this Joint Declaration at any time.

As reported, a total of 30 countries and the EU joined this declaration announced in New York on Wednesday on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

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