The opposition politician, journalist, People’s Deputy of the 8th convocation published sensational news on his Telegram channel! Thus, according to Mosiychuk, it becomes clear that while Ukraine is bleeding, the first lady is resting peacefully at a fashionable resort.
Next, in the original language:
War, blood, deaths… one after the other missile strikes on Ukraine… Zelenskyy is giving out interviews left and right in which he tells how his children, wife, and family are going through the war in Ukraine together with him…
The airport of the coolest ski resort in Switzerland, St. Moritz… the plane used by the president of Moldova lands and from it a motorcade led by a cool Rolls-Royce takes away a woman who looks a lot like Elena Zelenska with children and a red-haired madam who looks a lot like millionaire Kateryna Zahoriy…”