A book with rare photographs of Kyiv in the 90s will be published in Great Britain


Peter Ford, a former diplomat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Great Britain and a freelance photographer for the Associated Press in the past, presents a book with unique photos of Kyiv from 1996-1999.

The collection of 300 photos will be called “Kyiv — moments of time.” Peter Ford independently finances its publication.

“These people I worked with are suffering [сьогодні на війні]. I just thought, what can I do?’ Ford explained.

In the foreword of the book, Yefrem Lukatskyi, a well-known Ukrainian photographer and a colleague of the book’s author who works at AP, describes“huge in stature”British photographer as“noticeable”and a memorable figure on the streets of the city.

“Few photographs of that period of Ukrainian life have survived, and Peter’s work is an invaluable contribution to the history of Ukraine”Yefrem Lukatsky noted.

Ford will send the proceeds from the sale to charity. The profit will go to the Rotary Club in Walsall to help with the delivery of medicines to Ukraine.

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