A recipe for cooking meat cuts with an egg


Meatballs with an egg – this is an incredible combination of tastes and aromas! Preparing this miracle of Belarusian cuisine is not difficult, the main thing is to have all the necessary products at hand and the desire to enjoy a delicious breakfast, lunch or breakfast!

Ingredients for cooking meat immediately with an egg:


  1. Assorted minced meat (pork and beef) – 500 grams
  2. Onion – 2 pieces (medium)
  3. Raw chicken egg – 1 piece (medium)
  4. Loaf – about 150 grams
  5. Sifted wheat flour – 2 tablespoons (without bitter)
  6. Pasteurized whole milk – 100 ml
  7. Salt – to taste


  1. Hops – suneli – to taste
  2. Ground black pepper – to taste
  3. Ground allspice – to taste
  4. Bay leaf chopped – to taste


  1. Chicken egg (hard-boiled) – 4 pieces
  2. Green onion – 2-3 stalks or to taste
  3. Fresh dill – 1 bunch of about 50 grams

Other ingredients:

  1. Vegetable oil (for frying) – about 100 milliliters or as much as you need
  2. Sifted wheat flour (for breading) – 100 grams
  3. Pure distilled water – 50-60 ml


  1. Knife
  2. Paper kitchen towels
  3. Blender
  4. Deep bowl
  5. Tablespoon
  6. Deep plate – 4 pieces
  7. Teaspoon
  8. Plate
  9. Cutting board
  10. Frying pan with a lid
  11. Kitchen spatula
  12. Plate

Cooking meat immediately with the egg.

Step 1: prepare minced meat

I came to visit a friend, opened the refrigerator, saw a couple of chicken eggs, minced meat and greens. To the question, “What are we going to cook?”, I received a logical answer – “I don’t know!”. As a result, a wonderful dish was born – “Meat dumplings with an egg”, the recipe of which I borrowed from the Internet a long time ago. To begin with, we take a little loaf, it is quite enough 3 slices. Break the flour semi-finished product into pieces, put it in a deep plate and pour 100 ml of whole pasteurized milk.

Let the bread absorb all the white liquid and it will soften, you won’t have to wait long 2-3 minutes. During this time, remove the skin from the onion and garlic with a knife, wash the vegetables under running water from any kind of dirt, dry them with paper kitchen towels, cut the onion into 6-8 small pieces and send the vegetables to a clean blender bowl. Pour or transfer the softened bread together with milk there.

We turn on the blender at the highest speed and grind the ingredients to a puree state 30-40 seconds.

Then we put the required amount of minced meat “assorted” from pork and beef into a deep bowl.

Remove the knife from the blender bowl and use a tablespoon to transfer the chopped ingredients to the minced meat bowl.

In the same container, add 1 raw chicken egg without a shell, add a couple of tablespoons of sifted wheat flour, a couple of bunches of ground black pepper, ground allspice, chopped bay leaves, hops – suneli and salt to taste.

Mix the ingredients of the minced meat with a tablespoon to a homogeneous consistency and start preparing the filling.

Step 2: prepare the filling

Boiled and cooled chicken eggs are cleaned from the shell, washed under running water from small fragments that may have remained after cleaning, and dried with paper kitchen towels. Cut each egg into 2 halves and place them in a clean and dry blender bowl. In the same way, wash several stalks of green onions and bunches of dill under cold water. We shake the greens over the sink, thus getting rid of excess liquid. We tear it into smaller pieces with our hands and send it to the eggs. We turn on the kitchen appliance at the highest speed and grind the ingredients of the filling during it 30-40 seconds to a porridge-like consistency. Remove the knife from the blender bowl and leave the filling in it.

Step 3: form meatballs with an egg

Now we take 2 deep plates, pour ordinary running water into one, and pour the amount of sifted wheat flour required for breading into the second. We dip the palms of our hands into a plate of water. Using a tablespoon, scoop out a generous portion of minced meat and place it in the palm of your hand. Lightly press the minced meat with the other hand in order to get a flat thick pancake up to 1 centimeter.

We collect a whole teaspoon of the filling and put it in the middle of the meat pie

In the same way, we form all the other pieces until the filling is finished, if there is a little minced meat left, it can be used to prepare regular patties.

Step 4: fry the meat slices with an egg

We turn on the stove to medium level and put a frying pan on it 2-3 tablespoons vegetable oil. When the fat is heated, very carefully lower the first portion into it at once and lightly press them with a kitchen spatula so that they take a flat shape with a thickness of 1 – 1.5 centimeters. Fry them for a while 3-4 minutes to a golden brown crust.

Then transfer them to a deep plate, add oil to the pan and send the second portion into it at once. In the same way, we prepare all the remaining cutlets with filling, and put them in a deep plate. After the last portion is immediately fried, we send all the meat cutlets back to the pan, pour them into it 50-60 milliliters of clean distilled water and immediately cover the container with a lid.

Step 5: serve the meatballs with an egg

Meat dishes with an egg are served hot, at the rate of 1 portion – 2 patties.

The side dish for this delicacy can be absolutely any, for example, marinated or fresh vegetable slices, boiled cereals, pasta, rice, baked vegetables, vegetable purees, salads or whatever you like. Enjoy!

Bon Appetit!


– Dip your hands in water after each formed slice, otherwise the minced meat will stick to your palms and it will be very difficult for you to work with the meat ingredient.

– If desired, the set of spices can be supplemented with any other spices that are suitable for minced meat dishes, such as marjoram, ground red pepper, savory and many others.

– If desired, you can add any other greens to the filling, such as parsley, basil, spinach.

– Eggs for filling should be boiled for at least 12-15 minutes. Before cooking, do not forget to put 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of vinegar in the water, these ingredients will seal the shell and the eggs will not burst during cooking. After that, cool them in cold water and follow the recipe.

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