Ukrainian director and music video maker Alan Badoev after a busy filming season went on a trip.
And according to good tradition, the celebrity chose unusual, exotic destinations. This time, after spending more than 20 hours on the road, Badoev stopped in the wild jungles of Costa Rica. He also celebrated his birthday there. Badoev turned 41 on January 10.

Difficult transportation to the destination turned out to be far from the only test.
Badoev had to survive food poisoning, which, however, Alan, who was used to any difficulties, accepted easily and philosophically, as a kind of challenge.
“The point of this poisoning was that I would arrange for myself, along with the physical, also a mental cleansing,” the director smiles.

The highlight of the birthday in the jungle was meeting a whole pack of howler monkeys – they are considered the loudest land animals in the world, whose howls can be heard several kilometers away. Alan also reacted to this test for stress resistance with understanding:

“The loud roar of these creatures at six o’clock in the morning frightened me greatly at first, and then indicated that my goal had been achieved. I am ready to start my 41st year in harmony with nature and fill myself to the neck with new experiences. Simply living is happiness, and living and creating something is a great and pleasant responsibility. It’s important to give love, it’s important to be honest, it’s important to just be,” said Badoev.