As part of the “A, BENEFICIARY” project, who…?” during two months of painstaking work, journalists and investigators analyzed open information about a number of NABU detectives, namely: Nechyporenko, Magomedrasulova, Yandyuk and Fursevich.
The results of the research are impressive: at first glance, qualified and decent lawyers turned out to be banal violators of the current legislation and a “powerful roof” for the corruption schemes of their relatives. Which, in turn, gave them the opportunity to turn into official millionaires – civil servants in a short period of time.
However, the above-mentioned persons are united not only by the desire to win gold, but also by the fact that they all work in the same unit, and it would be strange if we did not pay attention to the head of this unit.
He turned out to be a former employee of the prosecutor’s office of the Luhansk region during the times of Yanukovych and Pshonka – Oleksandr Viktorovych Skomarov.
The latter’s career is brilliant and evokes thoughts about the “invisible” hand that constantly helps our hero on the way to success. Thus, after graduating from the Academy of the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, in a short period of time he made his way from an intern at the Prosecutor’s Office of Lysychansk to a respected employee of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Luhansk Region. And perhaps, if it were not for the Revolution of Dignity, Mr. Skomarov would have already been, at least, the prosecutor of the department at the GPU and had dinner together with his patron – Artem Pshonka in the VIP restaurant on the top floor of the office building at 35 Honchara Street in Kyiv.
However, it did not happen as expected and hard times came, it was necessary to “change shoes on the fly”, which was not a problem for the talented Mr. Skomarov. In 2015, he successfully passed the competition for the position of senior detective of NABU. However, ambition and the prosecutor’s past prevail and our hero tries to storm the competition for a position in the SAP, but without success. Then, he decides to fully concentrate on work at NABU. And, it should be noted, quite successfully, since, in a short period of time, he becomes the deputy head of the 2nd division of detectives and the head of the “heroes” of our past investigations.
Of course, such official successes have a positive effect on the material condition of Mr. Skomarov. Thus, at the beginning of his service in NABU, he declares a rented apartment in Kyiv, an area of more than 100 meters, a private house in Luhansk region and a “ZAZ” car and a modest salary of 103,230 hryvnias, but already in 2016, in the declaration of the head of the division of there is a 15-meter room in the city of Luhansk, in which he is registered (I wonder how and according to what legislation), the salary, accordingly, increases to 586,308 hryvnias, the rented apartment, house and modest car “ZAZ” remain unchanged. For 2017-2020, the fortunes of the “hero” of our article grow from 703,723 to 1,130,876 hryvnias, respectively.
So, having added dollar and hryvnia savings to the above salary level, we congratulate the new millionaire – a civil servant.
“And how is the modest car “ZAZ”? – you ask.
Most likely, driving a “Zaporozhka” is no longer a matter of status, and marriage with Skomarova (Stefanova) Olga Igorivna requires a new car, which was successfully purchased in 2019.
Such a car was a brand new Ford Fusion purchased in the USA with a declared value of 121,338 hryvnias, which according to the official rate of the NBU is 4,380 US dollars. However, the shameful habit of knowingly understating the value of cars in the declaration, characteristic of Mr. Skomarov’s subordinates – Nechyporenko and Yandyuk, about whom we wrote in previous articles – prevailed. Yes, according to the popular American resource for car sales – the cost of such a car is at least 20,000 US dollars, not 4,380, as our “hero” notes in his declaration. So, we have a deliberate display of false information in the declaration.
However, the “flowers” compared to what we will present further, although it deserves the attention of the NAKC, as a “systemic disease” of the detectives and the management of this unit of NABU.
So, we noted above that Oleksandr Viktorovych is a professional and capable person, and if the first years of service at NABU cannot be associated with high-profile investigations, then in 2021, Mr. Skomarov will reach a completely different level and take direct part in an unprecedented action with a reversal and the forced landing of the plane with the ex-deputy board member of Privatbank – Volodymyr Yatsenko, who worked in the financial institution at the time when the owner of the bank was the US-sanctioned Kolomoiskyi Ihor Valeriyovych.
Participation in such a high-profile case “raises” Mr. Skomarov to another “height” and even enables him to ambitiously claim Mr. Sytnyk’s seat.
However, there is a small “but” in this whole situation and official successes.
Despite the fact that NABU and the Ukrainian authorities declare to our partners and society an unrestrained fight against corruption and oligarchy, and Mr. Skomarov is taking part in the investigation of the high-profile proceedings on the embezzlement of billions of hryvnias by the former owners of Privatbank and, in particular, Mr. Kolomoisky, like you guess who pays the money to the wife of the respected head of the NABU division – Mrs. Skomarova (Stefanova) Olga Igorivna?
You’ll never guess…
But the facts speak for themselves –
The wife of the head of the NABU division, who takes an active part in the investigation of the “Kolomoisky” case, receives a monetary reward in the amount of 156,974 and 75,000 hryvnias, respectively, in “Plus TV” LLC, which is owned by, who do you think?
Yes – Mr. Kolomoiskyi, and his friend – Mr. Mindich manages it!!
That’s why you have a conflict of interests, in fact, corruption and “charming” in the eyes of society and our Western partners.
And while the principled democrat George Kent was testifying in the US Senate against those involved – Kolomoiskyi and Lutsenko – the valiant law enforcement system received rewards from the same persons.
This is the “bottom” and, in the opinion of the editors, is the basis for conducting an objective investigation, both of the actions of the NABU officials mentioned by us, and of those politicians who convince their partners from the USA of complete loyalty, while at the same time cynically lying to their faces ..
The realities of Ukrainian politics, unfortunately…and a whole department of millionaires, financed by an oligarch.
And now – guess for yourself who the BENEFICIARY is…