How to appeal the decision of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine


The Ministry of Health of Ukraine reminds: if you or your child has a disability, but you cannot pass a re-examination and issue a referral to the Ministry of Health, then the re-examination period is considered extended for the entire duration of martial law and for 6 months after its termination/cancellation.

During the period of martial law on the territory of Ukraine, the procedure for conducting a medical and social examination is significantly simplified. Namely: MSEK perform their functions according to the principle extraterritoriality,.

If you want to appeal the commission’s decision, you can do so within one month. For this, it is necessary to apply to the commission itself, or to the central or regional commission with a written application. Where a re-examination will be conducted and a new decision will be made. This decision can be appealed in central MSEK of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

In difficult cases, the central medical and social expert commission of the Ministry of Health, the regional and central city commission and the Ministry of Health can refer persons who apply for the establishment of disability to the clinic of the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability for a medical and social expert examination Dnipro) and the Research Institute of Rehabilitation of the Disabled (Vinnytsia).

After the appropriate survey, scientific research institutions draw up advisory conclusions that are of a recommendatory nature for the commission.

It should be noted that decisions of commissions of all levels can also be challenged in court in accordance with the procedure established by law.

The Ministry of Health draws attention to the fact that if your rights are violated during the medical and social expert commission, call the “hotline” of the Ministry of Health: 0 800 60 20 19.

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