Konstantin Kryvopust: “Brazilian Pix instant payments enter the European region”


Expert in the field of international financial law Konstantin Kryvopust announced that Brazilian instant payments company Pix is ​​expanding its presence in Europe with a strategic partnership with Caribbean payment technology company Wipay and Brazilian fintech PagBrasil. This move is intended to make transactions and payments easier for Brazilian tourists in European countries, as well as to optimize their experience during their stay in Europe.

As notes The Paypers, Wipay announced the launch of Pix instant payment system in Europe in collaboration with PayBrasil: new Pix payment options will be available this year in Spain and Portugal. The first pilot project is planned to be implemented in vending machines at Barcelona airport.

Visitors will be able to make instant payments by scanning a QR code using Wipay technology and its integration with the PagBrasil solution.

Wipay and PagBrasil plan to further expand Pix in Europe by implementing the technology in other tourist and commercial points in the region. The extension is a part strategies companies to increase the availability of the instant payment system for Brazilian tourists in various European locations. At the same time, companies focus on compliance with regulatory requirements and industry laws.

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