Oleg Feoktistov is the head of the Ukrainian residence of the FSB.


Dear reader, in the previous part of our publications we introduced you to the biography of one of the most powerful leaders of the Russian special services – the all-powerful general of the FSB, Oleg Feoktistov, who confidently climbed the official ladder for many years, reaching incredible heights in the hierarchy of the Russian security agencies. The mere mention of him caused fear in most high-ranking officials and opponents of the regime, and many of them and to this day serve long prison terms.

However, let us remind you that the functional duties of the unit, which was created and headed by O. Feoktistov, included not only the fight against “internal” enemies, but also countering external threats, in particular, by organizing high-quality and deeply organized residency in the republics of the former USSR.

Thus, the main directions of the work of Feoktistov’s “specialists” were focused on recruiting influential representatives of crime and state officials of the highest level. And, it should be noted, the work in these directions was quite successful, which was only worth the fact that until 2014 the Ukrainian special services were actually managed from Lubyanka. However, as a result of the nationwide Revolution of Dignity, the criminal regime was destroyed, a significant number of officials banally fled Ukraine, and accordingly, the influence of FSB specialists on internal Ukrainian processes decreased.

Regarding the indisputable facts of the involvement of the above-mentioned persons in the deliberate work for the special services of Russia and in their interests, quite a lot has already been written materials, including authoritative international publications, such as the BBC, etc. Therefore, let’s not dwell on the details, but accept them as a fact that happened.

First of all, we were interested in whether, as a result of the Revolution of Dignity, the influence of the Russian special services on Ukrainian politics was really put to an end.

We are forced to state that, unfortunately, no, although thanks to the active phase of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine, the domestic law enforcement officers have somewhat “enlightened”, which was reflected in a number of high-profile arrests:

1.) https://suspilne.media/261355-sbu-ta-dbr-zatrimali-kolisnogo-golovu-upravlinna-sbu-krimu-olega-kulinica/

2.) https://lb.ua/pravo/2021/01/23/475948_zaareshtuvali_polkovnika_alfi.html

3.) https://report.if.ua/kryminal/u-serbiyi-zatrymaly-kolyshnogo-vysokoposadovcya-sbu-pidozryuyut-u-vidmyvanni-groshej/

As if the results of the work were positive, but the question arises why they were detained now, and not earlier, which would have made it possible to minimize the consequences of the work of these traitors. Yes, this question is rhetorical, and solely on the conscience of our special services and their leadership. We are interested in the period from 2014 until the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Therefore, let’s return to the events since the end of the Revolution of Dignity and the formation of new power institutions.

Namely, since June 7, 2014, as a result of democratic voting, he was elected as the President of Ukraine Pyotr Oleksiyovych Poroshenko, who, having too little time, immediately begins the formation of the main state institutions and the adoption of urgent personnel decisions. Taking into account the situation on the fronts and the beginning of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine, the President is strengthening the power bloc as much as possible, including intelligence and counterintelligence units. Yes, for the post of Chairman GUR The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is appointed Vasyl Vasyliovych Burba. The main task of the administration is the implementation of intelligence measures in highly sensitive areas of state interests, including the implementation of a number of special measures aimed at protecting the same interests.

Being an experienced officer, clearly understanding the tasks and challenges set before him, related to the specifics of Russia’s aggressive actions against Ukraine, Vasyl Vasyliovych forms an effective team of employees and gets to work. To work not only in the field of obtaining information through intelligence, but also effective anti-propaganda.

To this end, a strategy of combating Russian narratives in the media and legal spheres is being pursued, a number of long-term special operations are being implemented, some of which we would like to tell you about, since they all end in a barrage of “accidental” deaths of the participants….

To be continued..

Author: human rights defender Kostyantyn Kryvopust

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