Putin said whether the Russian Federation created a military alliance with China


President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin stated that Russia “has not created a military alliance with China and does not threaten any countries.”

He said about this in interview to Russian propagandists, commenting on Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow last week, which was closely watched around the world for signs that China might increase its support for Russia.

Speaking during a televised interview, Putin also accused the West of “starting to build a new axis similar to the one built by fascist Germany and militarist Japan.”

Xi Jinping’s visit to Moscow: what are the consequences

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s three-day visit to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow began on March 20. Beijing called it a “journey of peace.”

After “friendly” talks with Putin, Xi said that China remains “impartial in the conflict in Ukraine.” It is the “conflict” that the People’s Republic of China calls Russia’s war against Ukraine.

Photo: Kremlin. News/Telegram

The US administration claims that China provides “non-lethal” aid to Russia through its companies. During Xi’s visit to NATO, it was reported that Russia had asked China for lethal weapons.

After his visit to Moscow, the leader of the DPRK planned to hold the first virtual conversation with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, but the conversation has not yet taken place.

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