The Iranian court sentenced 10 military personnel in the case of the downing of the UIA plane in 2020


In Iran, 10 servicemen were sentenced to prison for their participation in the downing of a Ukrainian UIA passenger plane near Tehran in 2020.

This was reported by the official news portal of the judicial system of Iran Mizan Online.

Military servicemen will spend from one to 13 years behind bars.

The sentences were handed down after 20 court hearings and a “detailed investigation” over three years.

The main figure in the case, called the “commander of the Tor M-1 defense system”, was sentenced to three years in prison for the unintentional killing of 176 passengers and crew members who were on board flight PS752 of the UIA plane.

He was given another 10 years for ignoring the protocol and “the scale of the consequences of his actions.”

We will remind you that on January 8, 2020, Ukrainian flight PS752 of Ukraine International Airlines was shot down by the Iranian military during its departure from Tehran.

The plane was hit by two Iranian missiles. The victims of the disaster were 167 passengers and 9 crew members, including citizens of Ukraine.

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