Today, at the government meeting, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Amendments to the National List of Essential Medicines” was adopted. Its purpose is to expand the National List of Basic Medicines with new drugs that were recommended as a result of the state assessment of medical technologies. This will increase the access of Ukrainians to the necessary effective and safe medicines, the cost of which is covered by budget funds under the program of state guarantees of medical care.
“Ukrainians are going through severe trials, suffering daily losses from the aggressor country. We must do everything in our power to support our citizens, each on his own front. For me, as the Minister of Health, it is important that patients have the best possible access to the medical care they need. By adopting today’s resolution, the government is doing a great job in this direction. Now there will be more medicines that health care institutions will be able to purchase at the expense of the state and local budgets, and therefore more patients will be able to receive them free of charge,” said Viktor Lyashko, Minister of Health of Ukraine.
A detailed list of medicines added to the National List of Essential Medicines can be found at link.