The perpetrators tried to take the relics of saints and church utensils abroad, State Border Service


Border guards of the Izmail detachment discovered objects that probably have cultural and historical value. During the inspection of the cabin of the Volvo truck at the Tabaki checkpoint, the border guards, together with the customs officers, discovered an ark with the relics of 80 saints (relics are the dried, mummified remains of a person considered a saint by the church), an icon and a temple analog (an analog is a tall a square cloth-covered table used during religious services).

As the border guards found out, the citizen of Moldova, on the instructions of his comrade from Odesa, was supposed to transport all the items across the border and deliver them to the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the city of Vulkanesti, supposedly for the holidays. At the same time, the ark was transported carelessly, which led to the fall of the stone pavers from their places.

Upon discovery of the crime provided for in Art. 201 KKU “Contraband” border guards informed the SBU and the National Police unit. According to the results of joint measures with law enforcement officers, items of church utensils were seized, and criminal proceedings were opened.

According to the materials of the State Border Service of Ukraine

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