Ukrainian scientists refuted the fake about the existence of “secret American laboratories”


“Secret American biolaboratories” on the territory of Ukraine are becoming the number one topic on the agenda of the Russian mass media. The scary yellow circles with the symbol of biological threat on the map of Ukraine, which are now so persistently demonstrated by Russian propaganda, are what they are. Recently, the occupiers “denazified” the regional laboratory center on Uvarova Street in temporarily occupied Kherson. Footage from it is presented as “evidence of the existence of a secret facility in which biological weapons were created under the leadership of the Americans.”

Doctor of Medical Sciences Andriy Volyanskyi is an immunologist, head of the network of family medicine clinics Your Baby Your Family, in 2006–2007 he was the deputy director of the Mechnikov Ukrainian Research Antiplague Institute (Odesa) for scientific work, and in 2007 performed the duties of the director of the institute – he was outraged by the lying and cynicism of Russian propagandists. And not only him. The community of graduates of biological faculties of Russian universities, in particular of Moscow State University, published an open letter to the Russian mass media.

Scientists refute the propagandist lie that Ukraine allegedly urgently eliminated traces of the biological weapons program, and demand to stop the flow of slander.

“In the list of destroyed strains published by RIA Novosti and other Russian mass media, there is not one that is particularly dangerous. The list contains only strains that are common for microbiological and, even more so, epidemiological laboratories, – says the appeal published by microbiologist, candidate of sciences, graduate of Moscow State University Yevhen Levitin. “We demand to stop the false statements about the allegedly found evidence of the development of biological weapons in Ukrainian laboratories, which are not based on anything and provoke hatred.”

But Russian propagandists continue to fabricate the so-called evidence, trying to justify the war of aggression, the Russian invasion and the killing of thousands of peaceful Ukrainians.

Already on the first day of the large-scale invasion, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine adopted the conditions for storing dangerous samples in regional laboratory centers. After all, even the used syringe and cotton wool used to wipe the injection site are considered hazardous waste by law and require a special disposal procedure.

All the more, it is necessary to take care of samples of pathogens of human and animal diseases, which are used in epidemiological laboratories. Therefore, in a situation of uncertainty, an order was sent to dispose of all dangerous pathogens. This difficult decision was taken on the recommendation of the World Health Organization to prevent any potential possibility of their leakage.

— As in many other countries, Ukraine has public health laboratories that research how to reduce the threat of dangerous diseases, — the WHO message states. — Biosecurity experts believe that the introduction of Russian troops into Ukraine and the bombing of cities have increased the risk of leakage of pathogenic microorganisms in the event of damage to any of these facilities.

As you can see, the World Health Organization does not consider Ukrainian medical laboratories to be a threat to human health, but rather Russian aggression and the barbaric bombing of cities by the Russian army. This statement by WHO published and Russian and leading world mass media.

Disposal orders do not contain anything secret – they were sent from the Ministry of Health to the regions by regular e-mail. In response, enforcement acts with a list of pathogens began to arrive. They contain many Latin names of various microorganisms, and Russian propaganda immediately began to wave them as “evidence”.

However, one look at the list of disposed samples is enough for any specialist to say with confidence: in the “secret American laboratories” they were engaged in combating nosocomial infections, food safety and monitoring vaccine-controlled infections, in particular diphtheria. Such samples should be in any laboratory of preventive and epidemiological profile.

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