Without piracy and exorbitant prices: where and how to download books to read anytime


Reading is something that is always in trend. Of course, among book lovers there are many who love the rustling of pages and the smell of printing, but it is not always convenient to take a book with you on the road. Therefore, the popularity of books in online format is growing rapidly.

Keep a selection of five free Ukrainian applications where you can download literature safely. And also step-by-step instructions on how to do it quickly and easily.

Google Play Books

If you are a faithful Android user, then the free application with a large library of books Google Play Books will come in handy.

In it, you can buy literary novelties in text and audio format or download files from your own electronic library. Some books are available for free.

You can also improve your English with the help of the application. After all, in addition to books in the native language, a large selection of English-language literature is available here.

How to read offline:

  • Open the application Google Play Books.
  • Go to the tab Library.
  • Click on the book that you have already purchased and now want to download to your device.
  • To download it, click Moreand save. After saving, you will see an icon The book is saved offline.

After that, when the lights are turned off and the connection disappears, you will be able to read your favorite book without worrying that the next page will not load.

Apple Books

This program is very similar to the previous one. The only difference is that it is designed for IOS users. In Apple Book, you can also read downloaded books from your own library and those you purchased in the application.

How to read offline:

  • Open the application Apple Books.
  • Go to section My books at the bottom of the screen.
  • Click on the line with the desired book Download.
  • When the file is completely downloaded, a button will appear in the row with the book Read/Listen.


This application calls itself the first Ukrainian audio bookstore. In addition to audio books, you will find a number of literary masterpieces in electronic format.

In library Abuk it will be possible to find a genre for any reader’s taste, because there are: prose, poetry, non-fiction, detective stories, textbooks, children’s works by Ukrainian and foreign authors.

If you choose an audiobook, Serhii Zhadan, Valery Markus, Sonia Sotnyk, Ivan Semesyuk, Serhiy Prytula, Andriy Khlyvniuk will read it for you.

In this application, each book must be purchased separately. The average cost is about $5.

For those who cannot afford it, there is good news: children’s books and Ukrainian classics are available for free.

How to read offline:

  • Open the app on iOS or Android.
  • To download the selected book, click on its title.
  • On the cover, in the lower right corner, you will see three red dots.
  • You will have to click on them and select an option Download the file. From now on, the book will always be available in the library.


Probably, you have ordered books more than once Yakaboo. This is a popular online store where you can find literature in electronic and audio format for every taste.

But did you know that Yakaboo has its own app with two access formats: subscription to the app and purchase of individual books?

  • If you buy a subscription, you can read as many books as you want, except for some bestsellers, which will have to be purchased separately.
  • If you do not read so often due to lack of time, then the second option will be convenient. So you just buy a separate book that interests you and enjoy it in the dark times without the Internet.

For those who cannot afford to buy books, the app has a good selection of free literature that meets the needs of the times.

You can download the following books for absolutely free: Yaroslav Hrytsak Essay on the history of UkraineStanislav Aseev Bright pathOksana Moroz A nation of vegetables and La person in search of true meaning Viktor Frankl.

How to read offline:

  • Open the app on iOS or Android.
  • Choose the book you plan to read and go to its page.
  • To the right of the book title you will see a characteristic symbol that means download. Feel free to click on it so that the book appears on your smartphone.
  • When the download is complete, the distinctive symbol will change color to green. So you will understand that everything was successful, and now you can read offline.


IN Librarius there is no possibility to subscribe and read unlimitedly, like on Yakaboo. Therefore, here each book will have to be purchased separately.

Of course, you can also find free books there. In particular, such an offer is available for reading Ukrainian classics. You will have to pay for a selection of non-fiction literature or fiction bestsellers.

How to read offline:

  • Open the app on iOS or Android.
  • Choose a book and click Read. After that, the desired literature will be automatically downloaded to the library and will be available offline.

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