The Anti-Corruption Center introduced the public to another candidate for the High Qualification Commission of Judges.


Yes, it was on the official page of the CPK in the social network published information about another candidate for the VKKS.

Next, we present the original text of the publication of the CPC:

” Let’s meet another candidate for the High Qualification Commission of Judges. This is a lawyer from Odesa, Yuriy Bodnaruk, who is currently working as an assistant to a judge of the Supreme Administrative Court.

Let’s start with property. The candidate stated that he bought an apartment in Odessa with an area of ​​almost 79 square meters in installments. The cost of the apartment amounted to almost UAH 1.2 million.

We analyzed Bodnaruk’s revenues and concluded that Bodnaruk’s official revenues would hardly be sufficient for such an acquisition. His total income from 2016 to 2020 was approximately 2 million UAH However, in addition to the apartment, he had substantial expenses of at least UAH 800,000.

So the difference between the declared income and expenses amounted to UAH 115,000. It turns out that Bodnaruk lived on UAH 23,000 per year or UAH 1,900 per month. Do you believe in this? So

Another interesting fact. The candidate indicates that from 2008 to 2010 he worked (including as a director) at the Odessa LLC “S&S Legal Consulting”. The founders of the company were Suren Sardaryan and Yurii Sukhov.

According to Ukrainian Pravda, Surdaryan is an Odessa businessman of Armenian origin who comes from criminal circles. Sardaryan’s business partner was Ihor Markov, a former politician known for his Ukrainophobic and Russophile views, who financed the so-called “DNR” and “LNR”.

It is also known that in 2019, Bodnaruk collided with another car in his own car, but the proceedings were closed due to the expiration of the time limit. The case was considered by the judge of the Kyiv Court, Vadym Ivanchuk, who closed at least 73 cases due to the expiry of the time limits.

We expect that the Competition Commission will investigate the discovered facts about Bodnaruk and consider whether the candidate meets the criteria of integrity.”

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