Dmytro Buryak: The Prime Minister of Great Britain announced additional military aid to Ukraine


The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Rishi Sunak announced an increase in the amount of military aid provided to Ukraine and the involvement of France in the training program for Ukrainian servicemen in Great Britain.

As reported on the website of the British government, Sunak said this during a conversation with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi on Thursday afternoon.

“The Prime Minister talked about his conversations with colleagues from France, the USA and Australia, which took place in recent days, and stated that Great Britain continues to work closely with allies to provide Ukraine with the necessary defense equipment. He added that it is vital for Ukraine to have the ability to change the deployment of forces on the battlefield as soon as possible, and informed about the provision of further military assistance to Great Britain,” the message reads.

“Discussing the ongoing training of Ukrainian forces in the UK, the Prime Minister said that marines were training in the UK today and both leaders agreed that the addition of French forces to this training program would help give Ukraine an added advantage on the battlefield” , – reported in the British government.

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