I know what poverty is, – Lesya Nikitiuk admitted what she is ready to save on


Ukrainian TV presenter Lesya Nikityuk often talks about her life on her Instagram. Recently, the star shared what she spent on a trip to the beauty salon is almost 4 thousand hryvnias. Therefore, many fans are sure that she spares no money and lives happily.

However, it turned out that this was not always the case. In a new interview for “Good Tips” magazine, the celebrity said that she knows how to live when there are no funds and is ready to live on different budgets.

“I know what poverty is. I know what it’s like to have no money at all. I know how a garden feeds a person. And that’s great! I know how my mother’s curls are saved at corporate parties, on New Year’s and birthdays. I can live on 200 hryvnias, and on 20 thousand hryvnias, and on 200 thousand hryvnias, and on 2 million. In these moments, I’m not afraid – I’ll survive in any case, because I went through a path when there was no money, when I really wanted it, when I needed it,” the star admitted.

Nikityuk also told what she is ready to give up if she has a limited budget. It turned out that Lesya is ready to review her wardrobe, change her car to a simpler model and give up trips to beauty salons. But the star is not ready to give up expensive creams, because she does not want to age quickly.

“If I suddenly have to give up something, then, of course, I will give up my clothes. I buy high-quality clothes and shoes, they last a long time, so I can definitely do without new ones – the old ones are enough. I will probably give up the expensive car and switch to something simpler. Car maintenance and insurance cost a lot of money. I will probably give up beauty procedures and hair dyeing. But from expensive creams – no, because I don’t want to age quickly,” she said.

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