How to find a pharmacy that dispenses medications under the “Affordable Medicines” program?


In Ukraine, the “Affordable Medicines” program continues to operate, thanks to which patients can receive the necessary medicines free of charge or with a small surcharge.

The operator of the contact center of the NSZU at number 16-77 will help you find a pharmacy with “available medicines”. All calls from landlines and mobile phones are free of charge.

Pharmacies participating in the reimbursement program can be identified visually. They have a “Available Medicines Here” sticker on the door, and those where you can get insulin have a “+Insulin” sticker.

You can also search for a pharmacy with “available medicines” using the “Electronic Map of Pharmacies Participating in the Medicines Reimbursement Program” —

We remind you that to ensure patients’ access to vital medicines, doctors can write both electronic and paper prescriptions.

  • See the link for more information about what information a prescription for drugs under the “Affordable Medicines” program should contain
  • How to start using the “Affordable Medicines” program during martial law is detailed on our website

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