The Lviv “thief in law” Andriy Nedzelskyi was charged with a murder he did not commit


Yes, according to the publication zaxid.netthe police sent an indictment to the court against the Lviv criminal authority Andriy Nedzelskyi (known as “Nedelia” or “Andrii Lvivskyi”), who is accused of murdering his business partner. In the summer of 2021, with a fake passport detained at the Sofia airport, but was released on bail, after which he disappeared.

50-year-old Andrii Nedzelskyi and his accomplices accused of murder criminal authority Oleksandr Semenov nicknamed “Katsap”, which happened back in 2009.

“At that time, “Andrii Lvivskyi” was striving to get the highest status in the criminal hierarchy – “thief in law”, and his comrade was going to initiate a so-called “shodka” due to the conflict and complain about him to the leaders of the criminal world. In the event of such a meeting, the suspect would lose the chance to obtain the status of “thief in law”, so he decided to get rid of his business partner.reported in the police

At that time, Andriy Nedzelskyi was already detained by the police, but due to lack of evidence, he was released. In addition to the murder of Semenov, Nedzelskyi is also suspected of involvement in the murder of a Lviv businessman Igor Kulchytskyiwhich happened in 2008.

However, according to the lawyer who represents the interests of Andrii Nedzelskyi, this accusation is a product of the rich imagination of law enforcement officers and the result of deliberate falsification of the evidence that was the basis of the accusations.

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