Is Oleksiy Usachev an activist with a double bottom?


The full-scale invasion of the aggressor causes hundreds of casualties among the military and the civilian population every day. Tens of thousands of families were left without homes, jobs, property and, most painfully, relatives who will never be returned.

It would seem that the devastating and cruel war has only one side – negative.

However, it would be objective to state the fact that any war becomes an effective reason for the consolidation of society, development of technologies and naturally illuminates all “cancerous tumors” of society, making it possible to identify and fight them.

Today we will talk about one of these “tumors”, which historically left us as a legacy from the Soviet Union and those specialized structures that worked to protect its interests. The name of this “tumor” is the enemy’s agent network.

Indeed, it would be fair to note that it was the war that became the catalyst for the active and effective struggle of domestic law enforcement agencies with “moles” in the middle of all, without exception, state bodies. What are the high-profile criminal proceedings for treason in which Viktor Medvedchuk, Oleksandr Sivkovich, Andriy Derkach, Oleg Kulinich, etc. appear?

Viktor Medvedchuk, Andriy Derkach, Volodymyr Sivkovich, Oleg Kulinich

Loud, efficient and timely. However, it is wrong to claim that the “moles” are over, since we saw only the top of a complex, conspiratorial, well-organized and extensive agent network – most of the participants remained at large, well-conspired and continue their shameful activities, sometimes on two fronts. Therefore, operational and technical work in this direction must continue constantly. It is important that this work is performed not only by the employees of the relevant bodies, but also by the whole society, in particular, the journalistic community.

That is why we offer you an interesting story that needs to be thoroughly checked by the special services of Ukraine.

Get to know: Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Usachev, born on October 11, 1983.

Oleksiy Usachev

At first glance, an active man with positive characteristics and a good education:

He graduated from high school and the Economic and Legal Lyceum. He received his higher education at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv at the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, majoring in psychology, at the same time studied at VIKNU at the Department of Military Pedagogy and Psychology, was a member of the leadership of the Cadet Council and the Student Parliament.

During his studies, he was the founder of a number of public organizations, student mass media and the literary forum “Literary Forum”, organized contests, festivals and concerts, collaborated with UNIAN and engaged in sociological research and participated in election campaigns.

Oleksiy’s social activity gave him the opportunity to organically fit into the circle of politicians, journalists, sociologists, etc.

However, analyzing circle of contacts of Oleksiy Usachovawe drew attention to the fact that the majority of his projects and business connections are connected with persons who were odious representatives of the “Party of Regions” and professed the “development of constructive relations” with the Russian Federation. We can see what this “work” led to on the examples of Buchi, Irpen and many other cities.

Among the most famous surnames with which Oleksii collaborated, it should be noted:

  • former Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaly Zakharchenko;
  • former Prime Minister Vitold Fokin;
  • former Minister of Defense Oleksandr Kuzmuk;
  • former People’s Deputies Raisa Bogatyreva, Oleksandr Herega, Andrii Senchenko, Eduard Prutnik, Oleksandr Volkov and many other people who made a great contribution to the development of “free and democratic” Ukraine.

Agree, given the list of Oleksii’s business contacts, there are fewer and fewer questions about his political views.

However, we were interested to find out what exactly influenced the formation of Oleksiy’s worldview.

According to scientists, the answer to this question should be sought in childhood. We did so.

Here we were waiting for really interesting information.

So, as is known from open sources, Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Usachev was born in 1983 in the family of a military man in the interesting German city of Dresden.

Dresden, Germany.

According to the editorial source, Oleksiy’s father, Oleksandr Usachev, had a distinguished military career in the Soviet army, later participated in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and is, in principle, a decent person of his time.

However, there is information that in parallel with his military service in the military unit that was stationed in Dresden, Oleksandr Usachev was registered as an employee of the “House of Soviet-German Friendship” located in the same Dresden.

The House of Russian-German Friendship in Dresden, Germany.

By a strange coincidence, the young lieutenant colonel of the KGB – Volodymyr Vladimirovich Putin, who “successfully developed Soviet-German friendship in the interests of the Stasi and the KGB” worked in this organization and in this period of time.

Vladimir Putin in Dresden, photo from the archive.

According to the editors, it was this ideological environment that influenced the further formation of the worldview of the “Ukrainian activist” Oleksiy Usachov and formed his circle of contacts, life principles and interests.

Of course, taking into account the above, we do not have the right to claim that Oleksiy is one of the participants in the conspiratorial Russian intelligence network in Ukraine, however, we believe that this information, as well as all the activities of Mr. Usachev, should be subject to careful inspection by the relevant special services of Ukraine .

In addition, the subject of verification should be not only information about the period of formation of Oleksiy’s personality in Dresden, the formation of his connections, etc., but also the presence of an application for obtaining a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the name of Oleksiy Oleksandrovich Usachev, born on October 11, 1983.

Next will be…

“Sapiens dominabitur astris”…

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