A Hollywood director faces criminal charges for killing a pigeon during filming


Michael Bay has been accused of killing a pigeon that allegedly happened while filming 6 Feet Under in Italy in 2018

He writes about it NME.

Hollywood director Michael Bay has been charged over an incident that allegedly took place on the set of a movie in 2018 in which a pet pigeon was killed by a doll during filming. However, Bay categorically denies this information.

“I am a well-known animal lover and a big animal rights activist. No animal involved in the production of this film was injured or harmed. As in any other production that I have worked on for the past 30 years,” said the director.

According to the source, the incident was allegedly photographed by a paparazzi who reported the killing of the animal to the Italian authorities. Pigeons are under protection in Italy. According to the law, it is a criminal offense to “harm, kill or take any wild bird”. According to the Birds Directive, pigeons are also protected by pan-European legislation.

Bey noted that the film crew has clear video evidence, numerous witnesses and security officers that exonerate him from these claims, and refutes one paparazzi photo.

Bay has tried three times to get the Italian authorities to drop the case. He was close to success, he said, noting that he was given “a chance to settle this case by paying a small fine” but declined to do so because he pleaded not guilty to harming the bird.

Regardless of Bay’s direct involvement in the alleged murder, he bears responsibility for it because he oversaw the filming of the film at the scene.

“The court case is ongoing, so I cannot go into details, but I am sure that we will win,” he commented.

Six Feet Under, starring Ryan Reynolds, was released on December 13, 2019. It received relatively poor reviews from critics and audiences, and just days after its release it was revealed that Netflix had planned and then canceled a sequel.

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