White mushroom soup is an exquisite recipe in the midst of the mushroom season. Such a dish will warm everyone at lunch in gloomy autumn weather and lift the mood, because it is so tasty and aromatic. Thanks to the unforgettable smell of mushrooms, you can not add any spices to the soup, as it turns out flawless anyway. Help yourself!
Ingredients for making porcini mushroom soup:
- Fresh white mushrooms – 300-400 grams
- Onions of medium size – 1-2 pieces
- A small carrot – 1/2 part
- Potatoes of medium size – 4-5 pieces
- Vegetable oil – 1-2 tablespoons
- Salt – to taste
- Semolina – 1 teaspoon with a bitter
- Purified cold water – 1 liter
- Skimmer
- Plate
- Cutting board
- Than
- Medium pan with a lid – 2 pieces
- Tablespoon
- Teaspoon
- Fine grater
- Plate – 4 pieces
- Frying pan
- Sieve
- Scoop
- Deep dishes for serving
- Wooden spatula
- Kitchen gloves
Preparation of porcini mushroom soup:
Step 1: prepare onions.
With the help of a knife, we clean the onion from the husk and wash it under running water. Place the vegetable on a cutting board and cut it into rings or half rings. Transfer the chopped component to a free plate.
Step 2: prepare carrots.

Peel the carrots with a knife and then wash them thoroughly under running water. Using a fine grater, grate the vegetable directly into an empty plate and set it aside for now. WARNING: the secret to making this soup is the size of the carrot chips. Therefore, the finer the grater, the better.
Step 3: prepare the potatoes.

With the help of a knife, peel the potatoes and then wash them thoroughly under running water. We put the vegetable on a cutting board and cut it into large pieces. We transfer the chopped component to a deep plate and fill it completely with cold tap water so that the potatoes do not darken while we cook the mushrooms.
Step 4: prepare porcini mushrooms.

White mushrooms are thoroughly washed under running water and laid out on a cutting board. Using a knife, if necessary, remove roughened and damaged places on the caps and legs, and then cut the component into small pieces and transfer it to an empty pan.
Step 5: prepare porcini mushroom soup.

Pour clean water into the pan with mushrooms and put the container on medium heat. When the liquid boils, reduce the heat to medium, add a little salt to the pan and cook the mushrooms 10 minutes. WARNING: from time to time foam will appear on the surface of the water, be sure to remove it with a skimmer.

In parallel with this process, we prepare vegetable roast. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into the pan and put the container on medium heat. When the oil is well heated, put the chopped onion in the pan. From time to time, stirring the vegetable with a wooden spatula, fry it until a gentle golden color. Immediately after that, pour in the chopped carrots, mix everything well, reduce the heat to medium and continue cooking until all the liquid evaporates from the carrots.

After boiling porcini mushrooms for 10 minutes, pour the liquid with them through a sieve into another free pan. WARNING: be sure to use kitchen gloves so as not to burn your hands. Transfer pieces of mushrooms with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon to a clean plate and set aside for a while.

And we put the container with the mushroom liquid again on a fire less than average and put the carefully chopped potatoes here. Cover the pot with a lid and cook the potatoes for a while 10 minutes. After this time, open the lid and put the semi-finished mushrooms in the container. We continue to cook the soup until the potatoes are ready. In 5 minutes until the end, pour the semolina into the dish, at the same time stirring everything with a tablespoon so that there are no lumps. Then, literally in 1-2 minutes, put the vegetable roast in a pan, mix everything well, and then turn off the burner. That’s it, porcini mushroom soup is ready! It remains only to infuse, and you can serve the dish to the dinner table. To do this, cover the pan with a lid and wait 10-15 minutes.
Step 6: serve porcini mushroom soup.

Using a ladle, pour the porcini mushroom soup on plates and serve it to the dinner table along with sour cream and finely chopped greens. The dish turns out to be very tasty and aromatic, especially if it was prepared during the mushroom season. Usually, this soup is served with fresh bread or even with crackers.
Bon appetit!
– You don’t need any spices to make porcini mushroom soup, including bay leaf with black pepper and peas. And all because the mushrooms themselves give the dish an unforgettable aroma and taste.
– To prepare this soup, you can also use dried porcini mushrooms. The dish will be no less tasty.
– If desired, you can also chop the onion into cubes.
– It is best to serve porcini mushroom soup freshly prepared and store it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.