At night, the enemy shelled several communities in Nikopol region 10 times, – the head of the Dnipropetrovsk OVA


The head of the Dnipropetrovsk OVA, Serhiy Lysak, reported this to Telegram channels:

“There were 10 shellings in the Nikopol district this night. The enemy was constantly attacking Nikopol. With heavy artillery, the aggressor aimed at Nikopol itself, Marganetska, Mirivska and Chervonogrihorivska communities.
People are whole. But residential buildings were destroyed.

8 private houses were damaged in Nikopol. One of them caught fire – rescuers have already tamed the scum. 5 outbuildings were also mutilated. There are also 2 shops and a cafe.

The details of the attacks on the city are still being clarified. Rescuers are also working in the rest of the territories hit by enemy shells. The consequences of the shelling are being investigated.

Please be especially careful today and in the coming days. To respond to possible notifications of an air alarm”.

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