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Judicial reform is tens of millions of dollars invested in the system of external governance.

More than 150 million dollars - that's how much the collective West "poured" into the Ukrainian reform of the judicial system, the ultimate goal...

The honor of the uniform obliges | UA2DAY

Disgraceful court decisions are preferred not to be published in the USSR. In order to ensure the openness of the courts, Ukraine introduced the Unified...

Anniversary of the legalization of the gambling business in Ukraine. Let’s summarize

A year has passed since gambling was legalized in Ukraine. During this time, the state budget of Ukraine received the first billion hryvnias...

Odesa Opera presents the VI International Arts Festival “Velvet Season”

Odesa Opera presents the VI International Arts Festival "Velvet Season" For the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence, the Odesa Opera is gathering the best Ukrainian...

SBU – protecting the interests of the state or a political tool in the hands of the authorities (Continued..)

The story about the magical detention of "radically" minded members of a public organization directly related to Ilya Kiva by the SBU officers has...


Ex-Minister of Energy of Lithuania Neverovych headed NR “Energoatom”

At its regular meeting after the founding meeting in...

An ammunition exploded at one of the radio studios in Kyiv, a radio presenter was injured

Kyiv law enforcement officers are establishing the circumstances of...

The occupiers shelled the Marganets community in the Dnipropetrovsk region

Russian troops shelled the Marganets community of the Dnipropetrovsk...