Battles in the Svativsk direction, the distance to the enemy is sometimes 40 meters, – Serhiy Gaidai


“They (the Russians – ed.) tried several times to make counterattacks, but they did not lead to anything. By the way, the Russian command sees that the Defense Forces of Ukraine are indeed advancing, not quickly, but advancing. That is why reserves in the form of personnel and certain heavy equipment, tanks are transferred from other directions as well. Battles are taking place in the Svativ direction, the distance to the enemy is only 40 meters in some places,” – told come on

According to him, the Russians are deliberately destroying all the houses in the de-occupied villages.

He also said that due to the difficult security situation, civilians injured yesterday in Nevsky will be evacuated only today.

According to Luhansk OVA, the village of Nevske was subjected to massive Russian shelling on January 9. After the deoccupation, about 150 people remained to live there. The Russians killed two of them yesterday. Two more were wounded, the OVA said.

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