“Euro Solodarity”: Vlad plans to completely block Poroshenko’s deputy activity


The European Solidarity Party has made a statement on “political pressure and selectivity” in relation to their leader Petro Poroshenko in connection with the meeting of the Regulatory Committee of the Council on Thursday, the complaint about the insults of one of the “servants of the people” in private dialogue.

“According to the information of” European Solidarity “, Bankov gave the” servants “to completely block the deputy activity of the opposition leader Petro Poroshenko and deprive him In the party’s statement, posted on the official site on Thursday.

It is reported that “to date the planned Regulatory Committee on the complaint of deputy Potraev, which requires Poroshenko the right to be present at the plenary session (recall, in wartime, a continuous session continues the whole session, that is, from February to August) In private dialogue. “

The Euro Solidarity states that according to them, the deputies – members of the Regulatory Committee were called from the Presidential Office to “ensure the turnout and correct vote”.

“It is obvious that this is another link in a series of authorities on systemic discrediting and obstruction of the opposition leader. Initially blocked international business trips and contacts, disrupted meetings with the military and hindered the transfer of weapons and equipment to the defense units (…). Now they want to block parliamentary activities and the possibility of speeches and work in the session hall, ”the statement said.

It is emphasized that “Europe” “regards these actions of the authorities as political pressure and selectivity.”

“Bankova and” servants “are hindered by Poroshenko, the EU, the military, all who are able to think critically, to demand from power responsibility and true, not the facade struggle against corruption. The power that rapidly loses the support of society, instead of engaging in the issues of war, is preparing for the elections and began with the clearing of the political field and its competitors, which sees the military and opposition in the person of Poroshenko and “European Solodarity”, – summarizes in the statement.

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