Oleksandr Galkin: “the imperial ambitions of the Russian “tsar” are false”.


Oleksandr Galkin

Homeland financier, banker, philanthropist, politician, Oleksandr Galkin in an exclusive interview for UA2DAY – about the first days of the war, personal life, political views.

UA2DAY: Oleksandr, good afternoon. We are glad to welcome you and thank you for the opportunity to communicate in a cozy atmosphere;

Oleksandr Galkin: congratulations, thank you for the invitation;

UA2DAY: My first question to you is this. Where did you meet February 24, 2022?

Oleksandr Galkin: I met this tragic night in Italy. I remember her perfectly. At about 4 o’clock in the morning, my friend called me and asked me to turn on the TV. It was at this time that the address of the Russian president about the beginning of the war was broadcast. Then I realized that my worst predictions had come true and Russia had started aggression. Although, I predicted the possibility of such a development in 2021 based on various secondary signs.

UA2DAY: Are you saying that the war was inevitable?

Oleksandr Galkin: I would say otherwise. The possibility of a full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation has always existed. However, after the events on the Maidan in 2014, operations for the annexation of Crimea and the development of separatist movements in Donbas, the probability of an invasion has increased many times. The only restraining factor was the signing of the Minsk agreements and the total unpreparedness of Russian troops for war.

UA2DAY: That is, Russia needed time to prepare?

Oleksandr Galkin: I think so. In principle, we saw the implementation of this scenario. Well, already with the change of power in Ukraine and the failed negotiations between Zelenskyi and Putin from 2019, Russia stepped up preparations for the invasion and subsequently started so-called exercises on the borders. We know the result.

UA2DAY: In your opinion, why were the two Presidents unable to come to an agreement in 2019?

Oleksandr Galkin: I personally believe that at that time Volodymyr Zelenskyy did not understand who he was dealing with and hoped for a different development of the dialogue. However, very important factors had to be taken into account:

Personal characteristics of the President of Russia, and believe me, I know what I’m talking about, and his ambitious “imperial goals”, which he is implementing.

UA2DAY: Are you saying that Vladimir Putin wants to restore the Russian Empire within its borders?

Oleksandr Galkin: I would say to restore something similar to the format of the Soviet Union and, of course, spread the influence on the neighbors. Although, I personally consider this idea wrong, one that has gone into the past.

UA2DAY: I understand that you hold more liberal views?

Oleksandr Galkin: True. I have always adhered to the liberal vector of Russia’s development and believe that only the path to democratic values ​​has a future for the development of a full-fledged Russia.

UA2DAY: Oleksandr, it is dangerous to engage in politics in modern Russia. Aren’t you afraid?

Oleksandr Galkin: To be honest, of course I feel the risks. At the very least, for my political position, I am already wanted on an absolutely ridiculous charge by Russian law enforcement officers. I can consider it revenge for my truth.

UA2DAY: Was it the criminal prosecution that prompted you to move to Jurmala?

Oleksandr Galkin: No, I lived in Latvia even before I became the object of criminal prosecution. I generally feel more comfortable here, even because of my origin. Mentally closer, if you will.

UA2DAY: Now it becomes clearer to me your attitude to the war and your civic position. Do you support Ukrainians in the struggle?

Oleksandr Galkin: I am a citizen of Ukraine, of course, since the first day of the invasion, I could not stay away, which I continue to do.

UA2DAY: Oleksandr, can you tell us more about your humanitarian projects in Ukraine?

Oleksandr Galkin: You know, I profess the principle according to which good deeds love silence. I can only briefly note that from the first months of the war, my partner and I organized free supply (Ed.) of tactical clothing, means of individual and medical protection and later scaled up. Currently, together with our long-standing Austrian partners, we take care of providing hospitals in one of the regions of Ukraine.

UA2DAY: Oleksandr, it is nice to feel that thousands of Ukrainians, wherever they live, are helping to achieve victory. In your opinion, when and how will the war end?

Oleksandr Galkin: It seems to me that it will continue for another two or three years. Of course I could be wrong. I believe in victory.

UA2DAY: Oleksandr, thank you for the meeting and meaningful conversation. We want to wish you strength and effort.

Oleksandr Galkin: In return, thank you. Glory to Ukraine!

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