On August 14, a working meeting was held, dedicated to the issues of protecting the rights and meeting the needs of veterans, rehabilitation of war invalids, participants in hostilities, and military personnel of the district.

The head of the district military administration joined the discussion Serhii Siryachenko together with Deputy Yevhenii Sirchenko, Head of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Lubensk District State Administration Natalya Isayenko, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, Member of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Social Policy and Protection of the Rights of Veterans Taras Tarasenko, one of the founders of “BF “SPLAVOleg Savluchynskyi.
For reference:
Charitable organization “Splav” Charitable Fund – a non-profit socially useful non-entrepreneurial organization, which was created to promote the development and protection of Ukraine. During the period of activity since its opening, the team of BF “Splav” has demonstrated impressive successes. Yes, in particular:
- Regular mass sports events are organized:

- systematic measures for the rehabilitation of veterans, provision of psychological and legal assistance are organized:

- the provision of systematic assistance to orphanages, low-income families, children in IDP status is organized:

- permanent charity actions and meetings are held, aimed at ensuring the urgent needs of active, combat units:

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