Rapid development of high technologies – a path to slavery or salvation? (Part 1.)


We are starting a series of interviews on current topics, the consequences of the digital revolution of the beginning of the 21st century, robotics, artificial intelligence, the cryptocurrency market, prospects for its development, existing risks and ways to protect against them.

Our interlocutor is a lawyer in the field of international law, a lawyer, a participant:

UA2DAY: “Mr. Kostyantyn, good afternoon, nice to meet you. We think that the topic of our conversation can be extremely interesting to the audience, since, indeed, the beginning of the 21st century was marked by the rapid development of high digital technologies. We are watching how the world is changing at a revolutionary pace in the field of artificial intelligence, robotics, payment means and systems. On the one hand, it is necessary to rejoice, but new risks also arise. How do you personally feel about such rapid technical progress?”

Konstantin Kryvopust: “Good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. Indeed, in the last two decades, we have observed the rapid development of highly intelligent industries, which is expressed in the creation of dozens of new products that society could not even dream of. The prerequisites for such trends were laid back in the 20th century. In particular, thanks to organizations like DARPA. It should be noted that the consumer has been prepared for a long time to perceive high-tech products, including thanks to cinematography. What are the Hollywood blockbusters about the development of robotics, artificial intelligence and the like worth? However, all things being equal, few could have predicted such rapid changes that new technologies bring to most areas of our everyday life. Personally, due to my field of activity, which is quite conservative, I treat such changes with caution, and I will explain why.

UA2DAY: “Yes, that would be interesting to hear.”

Konstantin Kryvopust: “Let’s start with the main goal of the development of any technology. In my opinion, it should be viewed through a social lens and be aimed exclusively at effectively improving the life of the average person. At the same time, without violating her basic rights and freedoms. So, in order to assess whether the above dynamics of development meet the main goal, it is necessary to analyze it through the legal plane in which the main “red lines” are fixed. And here the main problem arises, since the level of development of the legal basis does not correspond to the current pace of development of high technologies. That is, with one hundred percent certainty, it can be stated that the current legal norms are clearly outdated and cannot fully regulate the use of new high-tech products, which implies the emergence of tangible threats, both for individual industries and for humanity as a whole. For example:

  • the development of artificial intelligence is useful, however, only with understanding and legal justification of the permissible limit of its ultimate development, when crossing which there will be risks of absorption of the natural by the artificial;
  • the development of robotics, which without proper legal regulation will deprive millions of people around the world of their jobs, which will cause an increase in the level of unemployment and hunger;
  • the development of payment means and systems, without a mechanism for legal protection of users, will provoke a wave of bankruptcies, as well as a significant increase in the level of crimes in the cyber space, which we are already observing.

Therefore, in my opinion, the development of any technology must, of course, take place, but in parallel with it, the international legal system must be improved, which could both contribute to this development and prevent harm to the main beneficiary of progress – humanity.”

UA2DAY: “Kostyantyn, in your opinion, how should the process of implementing scientific developments in the legal field take place and at what level?”

Konstantin Kryvopust: “I can say with confidence that the implementation of this process is extremely necessary, and given the level of influence of the latest developments on humanity, it should take place at the international level, in particular at the UN. However, the principle of “do no harm” should be the basis of this process.

First, it is necessary to establish an international advisory platform. Invite representatives of all branches of production, scientists, developers, lawyers, representatives of trade union organizations, consumers, the public to participate in the work of the platform and work out the basic principles of interaction between humanity and artificial technology. After that, create a separate committee at the UN, with the help of which, to consolidate the foundations of international law in the field of high technologies by adopting a separate resolution of the United Nations.”

In the second part of the interview, we focus on the issues of cryptocurrency development and digital law as a separate section of the international legal mechanism.

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