Scientists created a reconstruction of the face of the mighty pharaoh Ramses II (photo)


Thanks to the reconstruction of the face of the most powerful pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, Ramses II, you can see what he looked like 3,200 years ago.

Egyptian and English scientists have joined forces to create the first scientific reconstruction of the face of one of the greatest rulers of the ancient world. For this, they used computer tomography of a real skull to reproduce facial features as accurately as possible. Scientists decided to show the pharaoh at the age of 45, and also created a visual estimate of what he would look like at the age of 90. Although Egyptologists do not know exactly at what age he ascended the throne and these estimates indicate that he became pharaoh either at 20 or 25 years old.

“We managed to create a truly living face. The pharaoh looks exactly as I think he was, with a prominent nose and a strong jaw. At first, we deal only with a mummy, but when we reproduce a face, especially a pharaoh like this, we make it more human, that is, it is not just a dead face of a mummy,” said scientist Salim.

According to Caroline Wilkinson of Liverpool John Moores University, using a 3D model of the pharaoh’s skull and existing anatomical data, it was possible to obtain an amazing reconstruction of the face of the pharaoh Ramses II.

Photo: The Daily Mail

Pharaoh Ramses II was a representative of the XIX dynasty and ruled Ancient Egypt for 66 years from 1279 to 1213 BC. He is often called the Great and the Victorious, because during his reign he greatly expanded the territory of his state, and also during his reign Egypt really flourished.

It will be recalled that Campbell Price from the University of Manchester debunked the ancient myth that the ancient Egyptians turned the bodies of the dead into mummies for their preservation. He believes that this elaborate burial technique was actually a way to transform the deceased person into a being close to the gods and make them divine as well.

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