Sensational news from the vaccine manufacturer Pfizer!


UA2DAY investigative journalists have uncovered stunning information that gives the public an opportunity to understand the truth about the causes of the COVID-19 virus and the motives of world governments in the fight against it.

In particular, comprehensive information about the main function of the vaccine from Pfizer is contained in the description of their patented technology, which allows contact tracing of all vaccinated people around the world.

This Pfizer patent application was approved on August 31, 2021, and is the very patent that appears in a list of more than 18,500 for remote contact tracing of all vaccinated people worldwide who will be or are already connected to a shared “server” (by using microwave frequencies) ).

Abstract: “System and methods of anonymous selection of subjects for the treatment of an infectious disease caused by a pathogen. The system contains a plurality of electronic devices containing instructions for generating an identifier, and when another such electronic device is nearby, one or both electronic devices transmit / receive an identifier to or from the other electronic device.

A score is then generated based on a plurality of such derived identifiers.

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