Stop buying cheese – make your own amazingly delicious, homemade hard cheese with different flavors


Prepare delicious homemade hard cheese with various fillings!

You can be sure of this cheese. It is not only very tasty, but also guaranteed to be made from natural products.

Ingredients for 1 raw head weighing 0.5 kg:

  • Sour milk cheese (good quality, preferably homemade or good store-bought, at least 5%) – 650 gr.;
  • Milk 3.2% — 600 gr.;
  • Butter – 30 gr.;
  • Salt – 0.3 tsp;
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • Any filler to taste, for example: olives – 10-15 pcs.; greens (dill, parsley) – 20 gr.; dried tomatoes with garlic and basil – 2 tbsp. l.


Pour milk into the cheese, put it on the fire, bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook until the whey separates. The whey should separate well from the cheese mass. After straining Whey can be used in okroshka, when preparing pastries, pancakes, etc.

Pour melted butter into the curd mass, add soda and salt. You can increase the salt to taste, put more than indicated in the recipe.

Put the mass in a water bath and, stirring constantly, melt it.

When the mass stretches, and the lumps are almost all gone, remove the bowl from the water bath. Attention: if the mass does not stretch and does not melt, it means that the cheese you have chosen is of poor quality.

Add any ingredients to taste, mix.

To shape the cheese, pour the hot mass into a round plastic or silicone container. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight.

To easily remove the cheese, press on the plastic container from all sides, including the bottom. So the cheese will easily come out of the mold.

Cut and serve. The cheese is hard, springy and incredibly tasty!

For more information on how to make hard cheese at home, see the video below:

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