The first deputy director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, Gizo Uhlava, lost almost all his powers, but was not removed from his post.
This is evidenced by the NABU order, reports Ukrainian News Agency.
At the same time, Uhlava was not removed from the post of first deputy.
As Ukrainian News reported, Shabunin harshly criticized the NABU leadership, which he previously supported. Director of the National Anti-corruption Bureau Semen Krivonos removed from the position of his first deputy Gizo Uglavu.
The National Police on behalf of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office searched at the home of one of the NABU detectives in the case of alleged abuse of the bureau’s employees. The SAP provides procedural guidance in the pre-trial investigation conducted by the NABU Internal Control Department under Articles 364 and 387 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine regarding the possible commission of criminal offenses by Bureau employees.