Why do these people always have money – Kostyantyn Kryvopust


All too often one hears that Jews manage to successfully accumulate, invest, and become rich as “on yeast.” And the top ten of the Forbes list only confirms this. Let’s find out what the secret is.

TOP of the richest Jews in the world

Owner of Berkshire Hathaway holding Warren Buffett. His fortune is $89 billion.
Founder of the Oracle concern Larry Ellison. His fortune is estimated at $62 billion.
Mayor of New York Michael BlumberHis fortune is $48 billion.

The list of Jewish billionaires according to Forbes Israel includes Sergey Brin ($100 billion) and Larry Page ($103 billion), Mark Zuckerberg ($101 billion), Michael Dell ($20 billion), Steve Ballmer ($51 billion), Carl Icahn ($24 billion) and George Soros ($8 billion).

Among the richest Jews in the world were also listed:

  • Brazilian banker Joseph Safra ($15 billion),
  • Russian Roman Abramovich ($13 billion),
  • Entrepreneur Len Blavatnykwho emigrated to the USA from the USSR ($20 billion),
  • couturier Ralph Lauren ($9 billion).

Why Jews always have money

Experts say that every nationality has financial winners and losers. And the thing here is not about nationality. Character, discipline and a bit of luck are important here – Jews simply have more of them.

1. Most Jewish mothers support their children

And they are not pressured. Children are instilled with the idea that they are special from an early age. The feeling of one’s own choice and at the same time responsibility for it pushes forward. Psychologists and teachers believe that this has a positive effect on the child’s psyche.

2. Jews have a different historical attitude to money

There is no Christian idea that “it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God” (from the Scriptures).

3. They cannot afford to keep an ineffective leader at the helm of the business

During the period of formation of Christianity, Jews became the only monotheists (those who believe in one god) who did not recognize Jesus as the messiah. All because, from the Jewish point of view, the prophet must come and prove his ability not by sermons, but by concrete actions: to restore order in the economy, to eliminate social problems. It is this historical materialistic approach to the matter that prevents Jews from keeping an ineffective leader at the head of a business or a country.

4. They do not waste energy on spiritual throws

Judaism is an orthopraxic (emphasis on the rules of behavior and observance of rituals) religion, where all steps from A to Z are prescribed: how to wash, what to eat, when and how to go to bed, why to live. When you are less busy with mental tossing and you are not drowning in an existential crisis, there is more time for work.

5. Jews study a lot

This nation is very serious about self-development (read also: How active self-development can make your life worse). Jews are constantly in the process of seeking knowledge. And, what is important, they develop the skill of using this knowledge.

6. They stick together and support each other

History knows many periods when Jews were subjected to oppression, persecution and genocide. They supported and helped their compatriots. It was this quality that helped the nation survive in difficult times.

Today there are Jewish communities. Thanks to close relations in the community, a harmonious mental state is achieved. They receive emotional support in time, which helps them achieve their goals and earn money.

7. They know how to bargain

Jews know the value of money, so they will not overpay for a product that is frankly not worth it.

8. Jews do not like to brag

Money loves silence, and the Jews know it. It is difficult to determine whether a person is rich or poor by them. And they are right: the more modestly dressed a person is, the fewer questions are asked of him.

9. They are self-confident

There are many anecdotes about how long you can argue with a Jew. However, in business, this feature plays a special role. A person who knows how to convince a partner will always be successful.

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