NR “Naftogaz” created four standing committees and decided on a deputy chairman


The Supervisory Board of NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine” elected the deputy chairman Natalia Boykoconveys Energy reform.

This was reported by the company’s press service on February 15.

In addition, NR created four permanent committeeswhich are its consultative and advisory bodies, and elected the heads of each of them.

The audit committee was chaired Richard Hookwayon issues of strategy – Thor Martin Anfinnsenfrom appointment and remuneration – Ludo van der Heydenon ethics – Anthony Marino.

We will remind, on January 10, Anthony Marino was elected as the chairman of the supervisory board of Naftogaz of Ukraine, which currently consists of six members.

“Naftogaz of Ukraine” unites the country’s largest oil and gas production companies (100% of “Ukrgazvydobuvannya” and 50%+1 share of PJSC “Ukrnafta”). The group is a monopolist in the storage of natural gas in underground storage facilities (100% “Ukrtransgaz”) and the transportation of oil by pipeline transport across the territory of the country (100% “Ukrtransnafta”).

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