And, “BENEFICIARY” who….? (Introduction)


2021 – a small package arrives at the editorial office, apparently nothing extraordinary, but the contents amaze us….
Dozens of documents, analytical reports, audio/video recordings that change our understanding of the realities of Ukrainian domestic politics and its role in world processes.
The first desire is to send all of this to the law enforcement agencies for research, but we begin to dig deeper and come to understand that there is nowhere to take it – because those who should protect the law are themselves connected at the highest level with such things that should be talked about aloud “not accepted”.
As it turned out, it is “not accepted” to talk about:

  • The truth in the appointment of the head of the Dnipropetrovsk region in 2014-2015;
  • Reasons for the rapid devaluation of the hryvnia;
  • The basis of the conflict with representatives of the US Democratic Party, which later became one of the reasons for the introduction of personal sanctions and the opening of a number of criminal proceedings;
  • “Qualification” requirements for candidates for management positions in anti-corruption bodies;
  • Their corruption schemes and influential relatives, with a huge trail,”

and other interesting events that you will not be told about on the state TV channel and in the oligarchic mass media….
The highlight of our story will be the facts that will shock you – from the answer to the question about who is the main beneficiary of these events to the personalities of the executors of “his” will.

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