Dmytro Kravchenko: the chronology of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its influence on the change in the “oligarchic” consciousness of the richest people of Ukraine (Part 3)


It has passed part of the story was dedicated to persons who are public and well-known far beyond the borders of Ukraine: Rinat Leonidovich Akhmetov and Dmytro Vasyliovych Firtash and their contribution to the joint victory.

Today, we will talk about people who are less familiar to the general public, but no less influential, wealthy and with a stable civic position.

Ihor Ihorovych Kryvetskyi – Ukrainian entrepreneur, politician, philanthropist. People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the 7th convocation. Member of “Svoboda” VO since 2004.

I.I. Kryvetskyi is better known to a wide circle of the public thanks to his political activity as part of Svoboda VO and the scandals that accompanied it. However, it should be noted that he repeatedly managed to win the courts about the protection of one’s own honor, dignity and business reputation due to compound slander. However, he never managed to refute the statement about the presence or control of a billion-dollar fortune.

The peak of Mr. Kryvetskyi’s popularity came during the Revolution of Dignity, when it was he who sponsored and actively personally supported public gatherings in Kyiv, promoted and fully financed the main stage of the Euromaidan. In this context, he calls himself: “the main financier of the Revolution of Dignity on the part of Svoboda Higher Education Institution.

It is well known that I.I. Kryvetsky manages his own private enterprise, works in the market of hotel, restaurant and agrarian business. It also has assets in agriculture, residential construction and energy.

Regarding the pastoral and cultural side of the activity of I.I. Kryvetskyi, it unfolds multifacetedly in his native Lviv region. Among the main directions, it should be noted: the organization and support of summer camps for children from the east of Ukraine, the first children’s golf school, the museum of the famous Ukrainian sculptor O. Sukholit, systematic assistance to boarding schools, youth sports sections, the implementation of one’s own idea and the creation of the first Ukrainian public park of modern sculpture — PARK3020where the works of famous Ukrainian contemporary artists are freely available.

Since the beginning of ATO, and even more so after the full-scale invasion, I.I. Kryvetskyi, structures and public organizations related to him provide permanent volunteer assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the forces of the People’s Liberation Army, and displaced persons. According to various estimates, the amount of assistance reaches 50 million hryvnias and is constantly increasing. Therefore, we can safely add Mr. Kryvetskyi to the rating of domestic billionaires who are bringing our victory closer.

The next person we would like to introduce you to will be: Dmytro Arkadiyovych Buryak – businessman, philanthropist, president and founder of such companies as Vision International People Group (network marketing), DeVision (development), Cryptaur (blockchain), LifeWise (network marketing) and others. Its enterprises are based in Ukraine, Austria, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Lithuania, Vietnam and Switzerland.

Dmytro Arkadiyovych has Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Belarusian and Russian roots, lived for a long time in Mongolia and in the territory of the Soviet Union, where he managed to form a significant capital. According to information from open sources, the amount of assets of D.A. Beet is worth one billion US dollars and is earned, for the most part, in international business, including in Russia.

However, due to his political beliefs and systematic oppression by the modern Russian authorities – D.A. Beet voluntarily left from Russian citizenship, received Ukrainian and reinvested his own capital in the Ukrainian economy and global domestic sports projects, including basketball.

After the beginning of ATO, and especially after the full-scale invasion of D.A. Buryak clearly declared his democratic position and organized systematic assistance to many humanitarian projects.

Among the recent actions related to the structures of D.A. Beets, it is possible to note granting medical equipment charity project of a well-known volunteer: Iryna Soloshenko, which she successfully implements with friends, brothers and partners on the basis of the Main Military Clinical Hospital.

According to our calculations, the total contribution of Dmytro Arkadiyovych Buryak and related structures to the approach of joint victory can be estimated at an amount exceeding 60 million hryvnias, which guarantees Dmytro Arkadiyovych a place in our rating.

To be continued….

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