Dear reader, at your request, we continue to investigate the topic of the “internal kitchen” of the main anti-corruption body of the state.
We will remind you that in the previous part we brought to your attention the story of the respected NABU detective Ruslan Magomedrasulov and the criminal “talents” of his father’s full namesake.
Today, at your discretion, we present the colleagues of our first hero – Mr. Nechyporenko and Mr. Yandyuk.
Note that we do not pursue any mercantile goal, but only want to give publicity to certain flaws in the system.
So, Dmytro Nechiporenko is a senior detective of the 2nd detective division.
At first glance, he is an educated employee, young, ambitious, with quite good service results.
Mr. Nechyporenko started his career in the SBU Department of the Sumy region, he was not engaged in entrepreneurial activities and in 2015 he successfully got a job in the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. Analyzing the property status of the detective, we come to the conclusion that since 2015 – life has become easier – in particular, in 2015, the fortune of the detective consisted of wages in the amount of 82,735 hryvnias and credit funds in the amount of 14,472, respectively. And yet, since 2016, the detective’s declaration includes apartments in the cities of Sumy, Pavlograd, Kyiv, cash dollars, loans and, in general, the standard level of wages for NABU employees – an average of UAH 900,000 per year, and finally in 2019, the detective becomes the happy owner of a Cherokee car (2014) worth 151,661 hryvnias, successfully delivered from the USA. As if there is nothing strange in the given data.
However, we were interested in the value of the car purchased by the “hero”. So, as of 2019, the exchange rate of the hryvnia to the dollar was 27.8, that is, the four-year-old American-made SUV, including delivery and customs clearance, cost the detective $5,455. Fabulous price!
The man was really lucky, and we could only be happy for him, if we did not visit one of the popular American sites for the sale of cars – and inquired about the approximate cost of a 2014 car, as declared by Mr. Nechiporenko. And here we were in for a surprise – in the US, the cost of such cars ranges from at least $15,000 to $25,000.
So, either our hero was incredibly lucky and got a 70% discount, or Jeep is such a popular brand that the price of used cars increases every year faster than the cost of square meters of real estate in central London.
To be honest, we personally think that Mr. Nechyporenko deliberately understated the value of the purchased car and deliberately entered false information in the declaration. However, it is not our competence to evaluate his actions. We have only drawn the attention of the relevant authorities to the mentioned facts and are waiting for a response. By the way, this is not the first time that Mr. Nechiporenko has communicated with the staff of the NAKC. In particular, the ex-head of the NAZK called him a “family detective”, and she even managed to initiate criminal proceedings against Dmytro Ivanovych for, guess what – illegal entry into a home. In general, the history of the NABU detective and the ex-head of the NAKC is quite long, but it is interesting that a person who knowingly gives false information in his declaration, at least 300,000 hryvnias, accuses the ex-head of the NAKC of a similar crime, but in the amount of 450,000 hryvnias.
By the way, the scheme of importing cars from the USA to Ukraine with a significant reduction in their cost is not new and quite popular for NABU colleagues.
For example, our hero’s friend and colleague, the detective Yandyuk Serhiy Viktorovych, a former employee of a penitentiary institution, dismissed for systematic drunkenness and violation of discipline – did the same – he bought a car in the USA for $11,800, and in Ukraine he declared it for, how much do you think? That’s right – $2,100. That is, six times less than its real value.

So draw conclusions, our dear readers, and we will soon “delight” you with the continuation of the story…