Artificial intelligence will put 12 million Europeans out of work


By 2040, widespread automation in enterprises will lead to a reduction in the number of jobs in developed European countries by 12 million, reports ForkLog.

This was announced by analysts of the consulting company Forrester. According to their data, professions are most at risk, the essence of which is to perform routine and monotonous tasks that are easily handled by programmed robots and algorithms.

“Productivity losses due to COVID-19 are forcing companies around the world to automate manual processes and improve remote working”,

– said the chief analyst of Forrester, Michael O’Grady.

He added that the pandemic is just one of the factors that has influenced the acceleration of automation. The aging population of the region also plays an important role in these processes. According to some estimates, by 2050 there will be 30 million fewer people of working age in Europe’s five largest economies than in 2020.null

Job losses due to automation will eventually affect European workers in wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation, catering and leisure and hospitality.

At the same time, analysts are confident that by 2040, green energy and robotics will create 9 million new jobs in Europe, especially in the fields of clean energy and smart cities.

Middle-skilled occupations, consisting of simple routine tasks, are most exposed to the risk of automation, analysts believe. This is 38% of the workforce in Germany, 34% in France and 31% in Great Britain. In total, about 49 million jobs are at risk, experts added.

Analysts believe that employers will pay more attention to improving the qualifications of employees and developing such skills as active learning, stress resistance and flexibility. Such personnel will complement the task of automating workers and will become more in demand.

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