Culinary tricks, if the dish is oversalted


Oversalted food is an unpleasant mistake that every cook has made at least once. Excess salt not only spoils the dish, but also harms the kidneys and liver.

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What to do if the soup is oversalted

The easiest way to “save” the soup is to add water. However, this can spoil the thickness of the soup. Another option is to drain part of the broth and add unsalted broth or water to the pan. Another miracle remedy is egg white. Beat it into the soup and stir, then remove with a slotted spoon. Part of the salt will be absorbed with the protein.

You can add rice to oversalted soup – it absorbs salt well. Wrap the rice in cheesecloth and lower it into the pan for 15 minutes. Then you can take out the gauze with the cereal. In this way, you will not only improve the taste of the soup, but also prepare a side dish.

How to save oversalted groats

Excess salt in buckwheat, rice, bulgur and other cereals can be corrected. To do this, you need to cook the second portion of porridge separately and not salt it, and then mix it with salted groats. Of course, the portion in this case will be more than necessary.

Another way to slightly adjust the taste of the dish is to add unsalted fried vegetables, mushrooms or meat to it. Carrots and potatoes absorb salt well.

Tips for salted meat and vegetables

Acid or sugar will help to neutralize oversalt. If the recipe allows, you can add lemon juice, tomato paste or tomatoes, sugar, honey to the salted dish. Another option for correcting the dish is to prepare a second unsalted portion and mix it with the salted one.

Milk and dairy products will balance the taste of an overly salty dish well. Such food can be stewed in sour cream or cream, if it is appropriate in the dish. Parsley, spinach and other greens absorb salt well. Excess salt can be absorbed with sliced ​​potatoes, and then remove the potatoes from the dish.

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