Exclusive interview of Ukrainian singer Angela: life path, repertoire, principles, charity


Singer Angela: “All Ukrainian artists must support their own
Ukrainian designers on the international scene.”

She repeatedly posed on catwalks in Europe and America. But after the show in
In Turkey, she was noticed by the producers. This is how the childhood dream of becoming a singer began
come to life Today, the artist devotes a lot of time to charity,
is engaged in raising sons and working on new Ukrainian songs,
combining all this with active tours of many countries. About a favorite
a song from his repertoire and about the premiere of a new song, about style, images and
cooperation with designers – in our conversation.

  • How many songs does the singer Angela have in her repertoire?
  • The repertoire includes songs in four languages ​​in the genres of pop, Euro pop, dance, up to forty
    songs Many songs have not yet been released.
    Among the hits is the English-language single “Love Black&White”, which remained in the top charts
    The USA has been in the top ten for several weeks in a row. The single “Edyny” received several
    versions, including a dance remix – a version that became popular thanks to
    in active rotation by Ukrainian radio stations even before the war. At the moment I do
    translation into Ukrainian of my previously known Russian hits “Angel”,
    “Inexplicable”, “I will be near”. Until today, I am replenishing mine
    concert repertoire of Ukrainian songs. I like to sing them because of what they have
    an exceptionally beautiful form has developed in the form of a beautiful melody and content that takes
    for the soul All the same, Ukrainian songs also have their potential on the international stage, if they are created by professionals.
  • Favorite song in your repertoire?
  • I like all my songs. But the song “Tai, yak lid” (the Russian version of “Tai, kak
    led”), which was written by Andrii Parfenov (the author of the new single by the artist Loboda “Po-
    Ukrainian”) is my favorite. Each song is unique, conveys deep meaning and
    sincere emotions of the author. When various events take place in life, so does music
    it sounds different.
  • What qualities help you achieve your goal?
  • The main qualities that help to achieve the set goal are work, talent and
    creativity. You must be an interesting person, because there are so many different performers
    already is You need to see which musical niches are not yet filled and which ones you can enter
    get into Only when I had the opportunity to work, to work for
    my profession and also to help my country, I came alive. This is me today
    supports Because I have the opportunity to work in information as well
    the front The social networks of all our stars have turned into information networks
    channels We talk about the news every day, we post and show it every day
    to the whole world, what is being done in Ukraine. We can be useful to our country.
    What keeps me going is that we will definitely get home, everyone! Many people who
    left after the twenty-fourth of February, have only one thing in mind –
    back home. We will definitely return and rebuild our country,
    we will live independently, consciously. This is our goal. We dream about it.
  • What do you value most in people?
  • A person should be well brought up and educated. She should interest me. Be
    responsible, self-confident and striving for self-development. I’m for a person
    was bright, but so that it all happened in reasonable “doses”. And if you see
    that a person is hyper-self-confident, and behind this globally there is nothing except appearance,
    communication with her is doomed to disappointment for me. That’s why I turn to
    people: please be who you are. Remember that the Earth cannot
    revolve around one person: there are other people to consider. To me
    I like the saying: “The beauty of a person is in his actions.” I think that to life
    you need to take it easy. You yourself know that all that glitters is not gold.
  • Besides music, what do you do and enjoy?
  • I develop myself in the creative direction: in art, in cinema, in production
    activity But I decided for myself that I am a creative person, ready to work
    art all my life. If I don’t have a shoot or a concert, I’m at the cinema or with
    friends at home In Kyiv, I sometimes walk in Mariinsky Park with my girlfriends.
  • Style and image are, they say, half the success. Who works on images
    singer Angela (from clothes to hair dye)?
  • For many musicians, memorable stage costumes are a way to reveal themselves
    musical idea, make an original show, shock the audience and live another one
    life in a new way. Co-authors of spectacular performances often become designers,
    which help bring fictional characters to the stage. They create costumes for
    concert tours, as well as outfits for the music video. Before the team and I came up with it
    concert show “Angela Show”, I was dressed by European designers to participate in
    Paris Fashion Week and Milan Fashion Week. These are very expensive designers and they are not from
    all models cooperate. At one of these shows, I was given wings
    angel and many viewers liked it very much. After that I am active
    I use wings of different colors in my stage image. Yes, it’s not convenient
    but this is art. Currently, the wings are of various sizes and colors
    are used only in the concert show “Angela Show”. For small ones
    performances or photo shoots, I recently cooperated with Katerina Romaniuk, z
    stylists from Symbol Photo and Family Looks, with designer Oksana Vasylyan from
    BOHO DESIGN ETHNO UKRAINE, with a theater and stage designer
    costumes by Victoria Shelemina.
    I believe that all Ukrainian artists should support their Ukrainian designers
    on the international stage. It can be any cooperation options. Because it happens
    it’s funny when, when participating in European festive events, I see how Ukrainian ones are
    artists or groups wear clothes of European designers, when the same
    Angelina Jolie or other famous American, European music and film stars
    wear clothes of Ukrainian designers.
  • At one of the charity concerts, you presented the new song “Your eyes”.
    Tell us about this song, what is the main message you wanted to convey through it
    the song “Your eyes”?
  • At a concert in the capital of Ukraine on Ukrainian Women’s Day, I presented a new one
    Ukrainian song “Your eyes”. The song is not yet available on digital platforms, but
    I already perform it at charity concerts. We are planning a release at the end of March.
    I am very grateful to my old and loyal Ukrainian friend Peretyatko Taras for

studio recording of my vocals for this song. Very good impressions from cooperation with
musicians Sergey Kuznetsov and Andrii Khorysenko, who wrote this one for me
a song The main message of the song is about a woman, about her needs, about her problems, about her
feelings, about her joys and sorrows. Many people tell me that my voice is heard
Ukrainian in a completely “different” way – more sensual, gentler. I think I will not disappoint
their listeners.

  • Are you planning to shoot a video for the song “Your eyes”?
  • Somehow I caught myself thinking that we haven’t released videos for quite some time.
    Last year, we presented a new video for our hit “Thai, like ice”. But this
    after all, it was not a full-fledged clip, so I decided that it was time to present it
    something new We are currently working on filming a video for the song “Your eyes”.
    The presentation of the new video work will take place in Ukraine in May 2023. Clip on
    the song “Your eyes” will be accompanied by bright, colorful dance performances
    decorations I will be the director of the video. This will not be a new work experience for me,
    after all, there were already several video works where I acted in such a role. The director, in my opinion,
    sounds a little pathetic. Let’s put it this way, I have an idea and I like to manage the process of it
    embodiment. I do not consider myself a director or music video maker.
    I have a vision of what to do with that track because the song is quite simple and it has everything
    literally: it is about a girl in love. We only visualize all this and it will be
    truly unforgettable. Filming will take place in different locations: at the resort
    in Truskavets, in Lviv, another location will be in Drohobych. And also in the plans for 2023
    I have a year – recording new songs, filming several music videos, developing new concert ones
    programs together with your team.
  • What songs would you sing for no money? Why?
  • Today, no one wants to sing Russian-language songs. Many more years to come
    war, my Ukrainian songs were considered not a format by radio program directors, or
    “let’s stage a Ukrainian song only for money.” I had to buy songs from
    Russian songwriters, because it was fashionable and the format at that time. Now that’s all
    on the contrary, there are not enough quality Ukrainian songs for broadcasts on radio stations and so on
    I have to translate my Russian-language songs into Ukrainian.
    True, Ukrainian texts do not always “fit” with the arrangements that mine have
    Russian songs. Therefore, now I am trying to create a completely Ukrainian-language one
    content Before, I would not sing chanson, romance or song covers for any money
    Russian artists. Since the beginning of the war, I will not sing songs for any money
    in Russian, although I have such songs – they are seventy percent of mine
    repertoire. I have a lot of songs in English that I performed in
    USA, but there are many Ukrainian songs that have never been performed before
    the public It seems that it is time to get out your demo recordings of original Ukrainian songs
    and give them a new life.
  • What would you wish our readers?
  • Grief and such terrible things have changed us a lot. But it all made us stronger.
    We will have a much better life. I am sure of this. I pass it on to all yours
    A big hello to the readers and I want to say: no matter how our fates change, they will
    will be successful.

Communicated: Vitaly Shulyar.
Photo: Courtesy of Angela Management

Artist reference info
Angela is a singer, model from Ukraine, winner of international beauty contests: “Miss
Fashion Universe”, “Miss International Diamond Beauty”, as well as “Tilo XXL 2017” – a choice
editor of the Ukrainian men’s magazine “XXL”. Angela represented Ukraine at
American beauty contests “Miss Continents”, “Miss Geometria New York”. In 2018
the singer, as a star guest, took part in the festival “Jurmala. Laima Vaikule. Rendezvous-
2018″. Angela won the “Singer of the Year” nomination of the “Pride of the Country-2018” award for
version of one of the Ukrainian glossy editions of Ukraine. “The best Ukrainian woman in the profession” in
nomination “Singer” – the award was received for active participation in charity events as
singer in 2019, “Best Musician” of the international contest “Miss Supertalent of the world
-2019″ (Seoul, Korea) and on December 22, 2021 she received the honorary award of the Order of Honor
Fatherland” for high national dignity, dedication to the cause, active participation in the preservation and
protection of the Ukrainian state and a significant contribution to the development of the country from the International
public association “Assembly of Business Circles”.
The singer’s repertoire includes songs in four languages ​​(Ukrainian, Russian, English, Turkish).
The artist gained popularity in the USA after the release of the English-language single “Black and white”
and premieres of the concert show “Angela Show” (“Angela Show” impresses with its
uniqueness: a large number of various stage costumes with angel wings,
a repertoire of original songs and various choreographic productions). In Ukraine
released a successful single “The Only One”, which was actively played on Ukrainian FM radio.
The single also had English and Russian versions. Remix version of the Ukrainian song
“Yediny” was included in the “TOP-20 best dance tracks of February 2020” (program
“Ukraine Dancing” on “Kiss FM”)

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