The Anti-Corruption Center has expressed doubts about the integrity of the next candidates for the VCKS


Yes, the CPK was published on its page in the social network material regarding the next candidates for the ranks of the VKKS:

“On Thursday, January 19, interviews will be held with several more candidates for the High Qualification Commission of Judges (HCQC). The body that will primarily be responsible for the selection of judges for vacant positions. We have a number of questions for some of the candidates.

Let’s start with Dmytro Bezdoli, judge of the Economic Court of Odesa Region, who also heads the public organization “Association for the Development of Judicial Self-Government of Ukraine”.

In 2021, this organization strongly opposed the judicial reform and renewal of the Criminal Procedure Code. Bezdolya and who did not like the fact that internationalists will have an influence on the renewal of judicial bodies. I wonder why Bezdolya himself decided to take part in the competition, where candidates are evaluated by international experts as well? Some double standards.

Another interesting fact. Bezdola’s wife at one time was the head of the Odesa city organization of the Communist Party of Workers and Peasants. In addition, the candidate’s father-in-law was the head of the same organization. It is interesting whether Bezdolya shares the views of the party that fought for the dictatorship of the proletariat.

There are also questions about property. In particular, the judge for some reason did not indicate the apartment with an area of ​​41.3 square meters in the declarations. In addition, there are suspicions that Judge Bezdolya underestimated the value of the purchased Opel Vectra a few years ago.

The next candidate is Vitaly Gatselyuk, an employee of the Institute of State and Law named after Koretsky.

To participate in the competition, he attached a letter of recommendation from the judge of the KSU Oleksandr Petryshyn. He is the one who signed the conclusion that allowed Kuchma to run for the post of president for the third time.

As for property, colleagues from Auto Maidan drew attention to the possible underestimation of the price of the Volkswagen Passat car. Gatselyuk indicated that he bought the car for 10.6 thousand dollars. At the same time, the market value of similar cars was from 15 to 18 thousand dollars.

It is also interesting why Gatselyuk, indicating Kyiv as his place of residence, did not indicate any real estate in the capital. Even rented.

Another candidate to whom there are questions is Vasyl Datsenko, judge of the Lubensk City District Court.

As our colleagues from DEJURE Foundation, in 2021, the judge purchased a 2020 Ford Edge for UAH 283,560. According to the information of specialized sites for the sale of cars, the cost of similar cars was several times higher.

It is also interesting where the judge lived in 2013-2014. For some reason, Datsenko did not declare any real estate during that period.

We hope that the competition commission will take into account all these facts and will not allow the candidates to mislead themselves.”

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