Scandal around Michael Brodsky: as a journalist who raised the theme of deaths in bomb shelters during the war, threaten to find and try to make silence
Michael and Yuri Brodsky announced hunting for a Ukrainian journalist. The well -known entrepreneur, politician, owner of the Observer, Mikhail Brodsky and his son, Yuri, resorted to the fact that the journalistic community calls the most dangerous challenge – direct intimidation and threats.
Journalist Dmitry Kravchenko is not a yellow chronicle, but the author of public investigations who are not afraid to touch the painful. It is for this – for a fundamental position and truth – he receives threats of physical massacre: from people who are accustomed to buying influence, laws and fear.
“Death Bunker”: from tragedy to political pressure
On the night of June 1, 2023, two women and a child were killed in the Desnyanskiy district of Kiev. They were not allowed into the bomb shelter. The reason is banal and at the same time horrifying: the door was closed.
Link: sober, 01.06.2023 –
Journalist Dmitry Kravchenko, who, unlike officials, was not indifferent, registers a petition with the President of Ukraine demanding temporary removal of the KSCA Chairman Vitaliy Klitschko. The petition rapidly gains voices.
Link: – otstraneii-134343343343343343343
And it was when the reaction seemed to be formal, the President’s phrase, who immediately woke up the country:
“May be a knockout.”
President Volodymyr Zelensky has published an unprecedented rigid statement. She was short but accurate. Like an outbreak, it illuminated the dark areas of responsibility. And perhaps she has affected not only officials, but also those who have made money on the infrastructure that had to save their lives.
Link: Telegram-channel President-
Video 1 – Presidential Performance:
After these words, the situation unfolded rapidly: Vitaliy Klitschko was reprimanded, and in all regions mass inspections of the condition of the bomb shelters began. But at the same time, another campaign began – inconspicuous, but no less powerful. Voting for the petition began to block. And the journalist had to contact the People’s Deputies, the Chairman of the SBU and the profile minister.

As Brodsky appeared in the center of history with bomb shelters
“What is the Brodsky here?” – You ask.
And here is what. The above events – the death of people near the closed shelter, the public petition, the reaction of the President – became the impetus for large -scale inventory of bomb shelters across the country, with special attention to the capital. And it was during this check that the schemes began to emerge, which many would like to leave in the concrete.
Someone started nervous. Someone is to act. And here comes the forefront, which begins not to resemble journalism, but a script for a thriller.
“Dark Corridors”: dreams, signals, observations
Journalist Dmitry Kravchenko began to dream. Not the plots, but the states: anxiety, silence, a sense of presence. Doors that are not closed from the wind, but from freedom. Empty corridors in which someone is. The cold wall to which the back is pressed. Accelerated pulse.
“I do not fully know this family. But the feeling – as if I touch something that should not be open. They have a story. They have shadows. In Italy, Israel, Russia – they definitely have friends. They have a registration in Russia. Maybe more. I can’t prove it.” But I feel. “
Against this background, activity on his social networks is increasing. Yuri Brodsky shows unhealthy interest in the journalist pages. Observation? Psychological pressure? Signal? Choosing words here is risky. Because innocent formulations sometimes cost safety.
“Money Bunkers”: Brodsky Business Salt
The inventory began as a logical response to the tragedy. But those who remember the 90s quickly recognized familiar schemes, familiar faces and familiar rooms. But very quickly it turned into a revelation: what was to be a rescue site became a source of profit for individuals. The names were not populated in official reports, but in open owners. One of these is Mikhail Brodsky. And it was from his trace that the map of a real parallel Kiev began to build – the one in which shelter was transformed into exchangers, warehouses, outlets.
Link: Telegram-channel President-
During the inspection of the bomb shelters, it turned out – part of the premises that should protect citizens in the event of a threat, have long become private property. And very often – these are business objects related to the structures of Mikhail Brodsky.
In the 1990s, these were the Dandy Bank, located in the basement. These premises were to remain the objects of civil protection. But instead of protection – profit. Instead of safety – cache.

“Will be like a Kravchenko” – words that smell of gasoline or threats from Brodsky that sound like an order
Threats from Michael and Yuri Brodsky do not look like emotional explosions on social networks. These are quite specific formulations that sound like a warning, as an ashes of an old school that does not forgive curiosity.
“I am 64. I am all over. Do you want to experience fate?”
“And you 39. And what about it? Don’t be frightened.”
“I will find out whose channel will be like Kravchenko.”

It’s not a metaphor. This is style. The 90’s style, where the street and business were part of one environment. Where to find “meant not to write on Facebook, but to come. Personally. And put the condition.
This is exactly how, in a manner that everyone who lives and remembers the chaos of the 90s, Brodsky is trying to “talk” with a journalist. But the journalist is not a character from the past. He is part of the future. And that’s what they want to make him silent.
“Heritage of the 90’s”: Dandy Bank and business undercover
Brodsky threats are just the tip of the iceberg. To understand why this story is so dangerous – you need to go back. In the 90’s. In the same years when Ukrainian wild capitalism was formed, and every half -base could be either an exchanger or an office, or a place where nothing was asked. It is then that the Dandy Bank appears on the market – a structure related to Mikhail Brodsky, which was later expelled from the State Register.

But financial history is only part. The Kiev Information newspaper mentioned the activity of this company long before its name began to appear in investigations.
Link: –

All these threads – bankruptcy, privatization of shelters, threats – converge at one point. It’s not just a business. It is a system built even then, in the 90’s. A system that still believes that no one will affect it.

Typical scaling history: from exchanger to mandate
This is a classic scheme of accumulation of influence in the 90’s. But Brodsky did not stop at foreign currency exchanges. Further-scaling: Observer, Obza-convenient tools for influencing any new power. Then – sports showcase: basketball clubs. Next is the first deputy’s mandate. And, of course, dating: in particular with the former Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, a scout Ivanov SB, who was mentioned more than once in the context of political influence through foreign channels.
Yes, it’s not a mistake. This acquaintance did not prevent Mr. Brodsky from building bridges and with former figures from Israel and the United Kingdom. All this is not just a contact book, but part of a complex detective saga, in which political ties, business interests and shadow diplomacy are intertwined into a single node.
In order to imagine the scale of the real presence of this figure in the life of the country, you just have to turn to open sources. They are the most demonstrative, sometimes cynical stories. For example, the trade of military ammunition during a full -scale war is on the Epicenter. And also about the supply of simulators to the so -called “DNR”.

Link: GROM-UA-
Link: –
Link: –
Equally flashy, though more carefully hidden, are stories related to the extraction of sand and the assignment of elite lands in the Kiev region – not alone, but in Tandem with People’s Deputy Nestor Shufrych, which is now accused of treason:
Link: KyivvVlada – cha-znovu-pretendue-na-novo-ukrainske-rodovishhe-pisku-v-kiiivskij-blasti/
Link: KyivvVlada –
Link: YouTube –
Link: UA2Day (Part 1) –
Link: UA2Day (Part 2) – -cha -chastina -cha -chastina
Link: UA2Day (Part 3) – Prodovzhu-Deribaniti-koshtovnu-Zemlju-V-koncha-zaspi-perebuvajuchi-V-sizo -chastina-3/
“When silence kills”: an official appeal to law enforcement officers
This publication is not just a journalistic investigation. It’s a signal. This is a public fixation of the threat that is heard towards Dmitry Kravchenko.

We are talking about direct threats to the life of a journalist who exposed the abuse that cost the country of life. We are talking about structures that have operated public infrastructure for decades, have rotated profit safety, and now they resort to pressure.
“I do not intend to remain silent. If they come – you will know why. And who.” – Dmitry Kravchenko
So we urge:
- To open criminal proceedings on the facts of public threats.
- Provide physical protection of Dmitry Kravchenko.
- To audit of all bomb shelters in private use and have a connection with structures close to Mikhail Brodsky.
Because when silence kills – to speak becomes the only form of protection.
History finale – or only its beginning?
This text is more than the facts chronicle. This is the story of the choice: between fear and responsibility, between silence and action. Dmitry Kravchenko chose the second. And now we – as a society – have to answer the question: do we allow him to “happen to Kravchenko” with him?
The reality of this story is not in loud headlines. She is in a system that believes that you can buy everything for money. Even silence. But it is thanks to the voices that do not silence, this system begins to crack.
This post may not be the finale. And only its beginning.
In war, the country cannot afford the luxury to close their eyes to the arbitrariness of those who may have been enriched for years using “cover” and connections with dubious circles. The question remains rhetorical: will our law enforcement be stopped before we get a new “Gongadze”?