The bells of Mikhailovsky Zolotoverhi announced the Resurrection of Christ.
Military and rainy, but still bright and with great hope in their hearts – this is how the residents of the capital celebrate Easter.
The consecration of the Easter paschas began, as usual, on Holy Saturday. This year, the churches published the schedule of services, because the curfew is valid from 00:00 to 05:00. That is why many believers went to consecrate baskets with traditional paskas, eggs and salt on Saturday evening. Those who had a desire to attend All Night, remained in the churches until the end of the curfew.
“The broadcast on TV channels gave the full effect of presence, but visiting the temple with the whole family is something that nothing can replace,” Ms. Nina shared her thoughts with the journalist of “Vechirnyi Kyiv”. She came with her grandchildren and daughters-in-law to Mykhailivskyi Zolotoverkhi, and her two sons are currently at the front. The woman said that she had already received a text message from her sons at night with the words “Christ is Risen!” and her soul is full of peace and hope.

Today, thousands of Orthodox and Greek Catholics visited 163 churches of the capital to pray for the soldiers and for Victory.
In Mykhailivskyi Zolotoverkhi, the consecration of the baskets took place quite quickly, the consecrated water was mixed with heavy rain, which was already the kind of weather God had given for Easter.

Strangers addressed each other with friendliness and special warmth: “Christ is Risen!” “He is Risen Indeed!” and these words made them one.

In the temple, people leaned against the icon and immersed themselves in prayer. This year in Mykhailivskyi Zolotoverkhi, the whole night was held. So the flow of believers has not abated since Saturday. People put eggs and pastries in a large basket at the entrance to the temple for the needy.

In the Easter address His Beatitude Epiphany, Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Russia addressed the faithful:
“Today, with such solemnity and exaltation, we celebrate not only the resurrection of Christ as a historical event of the return to life of the Savior, whom human malice crucified on the cross, but we celebrate the very death of mortification, we glorify the destruction of the gates of hell and the destruction of eternal chains. Christ is resurrected not just as a person who was dead and miraculously returned to life, like Lazarus the Four-Day Saint, but He is resurrected as the progenitor of a renewed humanity – immortal and eternal. A humanity over which death has no power, a humanity that is not bound by the chains of hell and that is not doomed to eternal suffering in the darkness of evil.

The head of the OCU spoke about the fact that today we remember in our prayers all the victims, wounded, expelled from their homes, all those who celebrate Easter under conditions of temporary occupation, in captivity, under the power of the enemy.
“May the joy of the Resurrection of Christ with the light of hope for victory and restoration shine on you in this difficult time,” addressed the Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Russia to all Ukrainians who are at home, at the front, or have found temporary shelter in other countries.

By the way, there is currently an exhibition of unique Easter eggs in the yard of Mykhailivskyi Zolotoverkhi. “Easter eggs. Renaissance” have been exhibits of the All-Ukrainian Easter Festival in Kyiv since 2016. 374 artists from all over Ukraine painted meter-long canvases in the shape of eggs, presented on Sofiyivska Square.

People willingly take pictures next to bright big Easter eggs. The exhibition will be open until the first of May.
Celebrating Easter in Kyiv: the schedule of consecration of pasaks. This Sunday, April 16, Christians of the Eastern rite – Orthodox and Greek Catholics – will celebrate Easter. In the capital, festive prayer services are planned in 163 churches.