Eat me: 10 foods that can “eat” stress


If during times of stress you reach for your favorite snack or other goodies, know that you are not alone. Many people use food to satisfy emotional needs and reduce anxiety. If “eating” stress makes you feel better, it’s called emotional eating. Usually, it is not connected with physical hunger, but only helps to suppress uncomfortable feelings.

In cases where it is possible to cope with stress only with the help of food, we advise you to contact a specialist in mental health. If there is no such possibility, read the material from the platform of evidence-based health information during the war “Take care of yourself” about 10 useful productswhich can have a positive effect on our nervous system.


Byproducts are the liver, hearts, kidneys and other organs of animals that we eat. They are a rich source of B vitamins (especially B12, B6, riboflavin (B2) and folic acid (B9), which necessary for stress control). B vitamins take an active part in the production of neurotransmitters – dopamine and serotonin – which help regulate mood and improve it.

A piece of beef liver (85 grams) provides over 50% daily rate vitamin B6 and folic acid, more than 200% of riboflavin and more than 2000% of vitamin B12.


Eggs contain many nutrients: vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants necessary for a healthy response to stress. Especially valuable in their composition is choline (vitamin B4). It is responsible for the overall health of the brain and how testify research, protects against stress. Offal, cabbage, soybeans and spinach are also a source of vitamin B4.


Fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout and herring) are rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which affects on cognitive functions and promotes mental health. Such products contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), in the process of metabolism of which two other fatty acids – EPA and DHA – can be formed. They contribute to the healthy functioning of the brain.

It is recommended to eat 2-3 portions of oily fish per week, but not more, because an imbalance of omega-3-6-9 can increase the risk of developing mood disorders and increased anxiety.


Parsley saturated carotenoids, flavonoids and phytoncides. These are antioxidants, compounds that neutralize free radicals (unstable molecules) and protect our cells from oxidative stress. Scientists associate it with many diseases, in particular with mental disorders – depression and anxiety. Research shows that a diet rich in antioxidants can help to prevent stress and anxiety, as well as reduce inflammation in the body, which often occurs in people with chronic stress.


Garlic contains many sulfur compounds that help increase glutathione levels. This antioxidant is standing in the first lines of the body’s defense against stress. Research provethat it reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression.


Tahini is a sesame paste that is an excellent source of the amino acid L-tryptophan. She involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which improves mood.


In addition to the fact that sunflower seeds effectively kill the desire to nibble on something, they are also cool source vitamin E, magnesium, manganese, selenium, zinc, B vitamins and copper.


A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli or cauliflower) may reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer, heart diseases and mental disorders, in particular depression. Cruciferous vegetables are high in magnesium, vitamin C and folate, which have been shown to some research effectively fight the symptoms of depression. Broccoli is also rich in sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has neuroprotective properties and can provide sedative and antidepressant effect.


Since ancient times, chamomile has been used as the main natural anti-stress. And our ancestors were right: modern research showthat chamomile tea and chamomile extract promote restful sleep and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.


These berries contain many flavonoid antioxidants that have powerful anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. They can help reduce stress-related inflammation and protect against damage to nervous system cells. Moreover, the use of products rich in flavonoids can protect against depression and boost mood.

The text was prepared in cooperation with our friends and partners from INSCIENCE within the framework of the “Take care of yourself” project.

You can find more materials in their resources:

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