In Ukraine, for the first time, a prosthesis was implanted directly into the bone of a soldier


A military serviceman lost two legs while on his way to a mission.

In Ukraine, for the first time, a prosthesis was implanted directly into a patient’s bone. The operation was performed on 56-year-old Ihor Krupnov, a veteran of the Russian-Ukrainian war, captain of the Armed Forces. It was reported Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Lyashko.

In the fall, a soldier was driving a car on a mission with his comrades and hit a mine. As a result, the man lost two legs.

The operation was performed in the First Medical Association of Lviv. Australian orthopedic traumatologist Munyed Al Muderis undertook to help Ukrainian specialists. He has performed almost a thousand operations in his country and about 500 more around the world.

The man was given osseointegration prosthetics. Its advantages are sensitivity and functionality. People who have lost both limbs find it difficult and often painful to use conventional prostheses.

Osteointegration prosthetics is considered the best option. It is possible to take the first steps on implanted prostheses already on the second day after the operation. After six weeks, as the minister noted, you can fully walk.

“After prosthetics, Ihor feels good, he has already taken the first steps. Doctors are satisfied with the result. In total, during this visit, osseointegrating operations were performed on three Ukrainians,” added the head of the Ministry of Health.

Recently, the first successful prosthetic fitting of a child in Ukraine was reported in Okhmadita. The patient was six-year-old Marina, who lost her leg as a result of a projectile hitting her house in the Kherson region.

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