The Verkhovna Rada intends to regulate the issue of countering the intelligence and subversive activities of foreign special services


The Verkhovna Rada intends to regulate the issue of countering intelligence and subversive activities of special services of foreign states.

268 People’s Deputies voted for the relevant draft law No. 11228-1 on amendments to the Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes, other laws on the settlement of issues of countering the intelligence and subversive activities of special services of foreign states in the first reading at the plenary session of the Parliament on Wednesday.

The proposed changes, in particular, increase the term of validity of the ruling of the investigating judge on permission to conduct an undercover investigative (search) action for certain criminal offenses, namely especially serious crimes, the responsibility for which is provided for, in particular, by Article 111 of the Criminal Code (treason – IF-U) .

The draft law also proposes to clarify the grounds of counterintelligence activities in the law “On Counterintelligence Activities”; demarcate and specify the powers of subjects of counterintelligence activity; to reveal the basics of counter-intelligence (special) tasks by authorized persons.

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